Saturday, June 11, 2016

June 11, 2016 Saturday #ABS#perfect#summerday#Englandfirst#mothering#Rainforest!

Get Fit
  Here you go!!  Get started and stary started!!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:48  "Be perfect, therefore,as your heavenly Father is perfect."  Impossible?  yes for us to do on our own and God knows that.  He sees your every deed and misdeed and like the loving father that He is - forgives you because of Jesus.  But we can try to be better, by making better choices, not setting ourselves up for failure, and loving one another to the best of our human possibilities.  He wants you to enjoy this life, explains the best way to do it and will reward you with a perfect you in the next life.  Honest!

On this day
1987  Was a typical summer day, a Thursday so Nicole and I were home alone.  We had breakfast and then read a few (million) books.  I called both of my mothers and both of them stopped by at different times in the day.  They couldn't stay away from Nicole for to long, at two she was soooo cute.  We played in the yard, took a walk and while she napped I called friends Pam and Norma.  Grandma Luvy (my mother in law) came over and joined us for dinner.  Mark, Nicole's dad worked everyday at the boatstore, later on Thursdays, when she was older, he took her to work with him on Thursdays.  On some of those days he took her out on the go-fast boat, the Liberator.  She loved it, me, not so much.  Oh I love summer, still!

1987 - Margaret Thatcher became the first British prime minister in 160 years to win a third consecutive term of office. Well, this was much more important I guess! 

I have been working at my friend's company this summer, I might have mentioned.  I have hired the office staff and am now on the second round.  I love the two young girls (I call them the little girls because they physically are) both 18 and fresh, emphasis on fresh.  One is white and one is black, equally cute and both equally endeared to me, or in other words, they both suck up to me and I am a sucker.  They know it.  It is full filling the gap in my life between raising kids and becoming a grand something - mother, aunt, etc.  Life offers advantages all the time enjoy them!

Rio Grande Puerto Rico

JungleQui Rainforest EcoAdventure Park  

JungleQui Rainforest EcoAdventure Park

Lets go here today!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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