Tuesday, June 7, 2016

june 7, 2016 Tuesday #stretch#telling#commune#deport#Coldwater#buyPuertoRican

Get Fit
Did a Tuesday stretch with Simple Stretch for those overworked in the yard muscles.  It feels so good.

Get Faith
Mark 5:1-20  "The man went away and began to tell...how much Jesus had done for him."  I suppose this blog is my way of telling what Jesus has done for me.  More than others who know my story, I am the one who is amazed at God's great forgiveness and love, how he has never left me, and how I knew it all along.  If you are not living a "godly" life do not think that God does not love you or want you back.  He always does.  I have been rewarded tremendously in my life with joy everyday, love in family and friends and always cared for by God, even though I haven't deserved it. He loves me.  Talk to Him.

On this day
1983 - My brother and Alice and my friends Ty and Norma were living here with me.  It was crowded but healing and a lot of love grew out of the circumstances - 33 years later both couples are still married.  I on the other hand, on this day, went to A & P grocery shopping and then cut the lawn. Who remembers A&P ?

1983 - The U.S. ordered Nicaragua to close all six of its consulates and informed 21 Nicaraguan consular officials that they could not longer remain in the U.S.  Not to support anyone but this country has in the past put nationalities out when they have been a risk to our security, many times.

This morning on my way to work a commercial came on for Michigan travel.  They were talking about Coldwater and what a great place it is to visit and vacation.  Coldwater means something entirely different to me.  It reminds me that my little brother was left there at 4 years old because he would never be out of diapers or walk.  It was a decision my mother felt she had to make so that she could take care of my other brother and I.  We visited on sunday afternoons for years, taking David out to dinner or a park and later when he was just too heavy to carry, and Dad wasn't around we just pushed him in a wheelchair.  They said he was blind and deaf and didn't know us.  Look at your children and rejoice, thank God that they are healthy and that they respond to your love.  I know that God took David under his wing and he is now soaring with angels in heaven.  Thank God.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico


Manufacture of textiles.   Puerto Rico is an "unincorporated territory" of the United States and its economy relies mainly on federal aid from the US government. The island nation has very little natural resources of economic value and its manufacturing industry largely comprises of units set up by US companies. Pharmaceuticals, electronics, textiles, petrochemicals, processed foods, clothing and textiles are the major industries in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s trade and commerce continues to be subject to US congressional authority.
Puerto Rico is recognized as being part of the customs territory of the United States and all shipments between Puerto Rico and the US are not subject to import duties. However, shipments from outside the customs territory are all subject to the same import duty rates, regardless of whether the destination is the US or Puerto Rico. The major items exported by Puerto Rico are chemicals, electronics, apparel, canned tuna, rum, beverage concentrates and medical equipment.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Sara!

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