Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016 Wednesday #smoothie#languages#dinners#Toronto#architecture#

Get Fit
Summer Smoothie Recipes #health #smoothies  There are some good healthy smoothies to enjoy!

Get Faith
Acts 2:6  "A crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken."    God changed our languages way back in the early days recorded in the Bible - Babel.  We have attempted to learn each others languages ever since.  To want desperately to understand one another is something we should all strive for in this day and age - not just the language but the things that separate us from loving each other.

On this day
1998 -  My cousin Kathy and I met Norma and Barb at the Mongolian BBQ in Royal Oak.  It was eighteen years ago that we were going to dinner once a month to keep in touch, it was before this actually.  Tonight Kathy and I went to New Baltimore and met Barb, Colleen, Carol, Waynette, Mary and Margaret at Fins for dinner.  I meet Norma for dinner next week.

1389 - Ottoman Turks crushed Serbia in the Battle of Kosovo. How long has this been going on?  Long.

Back to understanding each other - I went into Toronto and stayed with Chris's mom a few times.  She only spoke Macedonian, supposedly.  And yet, she told me her life history, from living in Macedonia, to all the armies that had taken over their country and how they came to Canada to live.  She told of how her husband made the restaurant and how they lived above it, all the while baking the most wonderful bread and toasting peppers on the top of the stove.  I don't speak Macedonian, but I heard her story, understood it and loved her.  If you want to you can understand anything, listen with your heart.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico - culture

It's immediately clear to see the Spanish history in Puerto Rico's architecture. The narrow, winding, cobblestone roads are reminiscent of Andalusia, South of Spain. San Juan is said to be home to over 400 historic sites ranging from examples of classic architecture and old military power.
It is evident that a strong infusion of arts in the history of Puerto Rico has resulted in its people developing artistic flair. Regardless of whether they're taught to fine tune their skills or whether they're just born with it, there's a strong presence and artistic vibe wherever you are in Puerto Rico.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Joe!!

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