Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14, 2016 Tuesday #Ninja#thanks#pool#noleader#hatersbegone#culture!

Get Fit
I was watching American Ninja last night and decided to start training for it.  Starting today with  circuit training with Jillian.  I can hear you laughing.

Get Faith 
1 Corinthians 10:13  "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."  The study writer said we should not be disappointed in what we want God to do for us, if it doesn't happen in our time or way.  We don't know what he has stopped from happening to us, think about that.  We are still here, most of us clothed and fed, most of us healthy and happy, most of us with much more than others have.  Let's thank God for what we do have rather than wondering why he let someone else win the lottery.

On this day
1997  A nice summer Saturday, Nicole was still in school but the city pool was open.  I had to get so much done on the weekend because I worked during the week.  This day I got up cut the lawn, worked in the yard, then Nicole and I went to Elmwood school for baseball practice.  I was still assistant coach so when we got done I took Nicole and her friends Nick and Kyle and went to the pool for the afternoon.

1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. On June 15, George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief. I am pretty sure our armed services will not be happy to have Hill for their commander in chief.

I'm sure I'm not the only mother who worries what the next target for haters will be.  My heart grieves for the families of the 49 people that were killed, senselessly by a deranged, misguided, homophobic hater.  It is impossible to get out ahead of these murderers but you can't live in fear and so we have faith, faith that God has and will continue to keep most of our loved ones safe.  I am wondering who was saved unknowingly today.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico Culture
Over the course of Puerto Rico's history the country has been strongly influenced by a number of different cultures. The strongest of these were Spanish and Western, but there are also a number of other cultures which have been merged with these to provide a culture which is unique to Puerto Rico.
Today you will find that not only do the inhabitants of this island enjoy a wonderfully rich and diverse culture, but they are themselves a wonderfully varied people. During the 18th century, Spanish settlers took Indian wives and these intermingled marriages brought about a massive change in the local population. Later African slaves and Chinese, German, Lebanese and French immigrants settled on the island and also became an integral part of the country’s national identity. Today you will find that not only do the people of Puerto Rico bear physical aspects of this mingling of cultures, but their unique culture does too. So come and explore the culture of Puerto Rico and discover a beautiful and colorful corner of the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Betty! Christina! Krista and Bruce!

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