Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 16, 2016 Thursday #change#judge#busy#devided#baby!#culture

Get Fit
I am having to change my routine in exercising.  I have to be to work or someplace else in the morning now so I have to make adjustments in my work out time.  I don't take to change in my routine easily - how about you?

Get Faith
Judges 2:18 - "Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies."   We need leadership, as much as we think we can do all on our own, we can't.  We need one another to get through life and we are best off when we depend on those who also depend on God.  "Our greatest privilege is to enjoy God's presence." The study writer said.

On this day
2001  It was a Saturday and Nicole was out of school for the summer, went to church and left with the youth group for work camp (mission work) in West Virginia.  Oh what memories this stirs up huh? Nicole.  Alice and I went to a graduation party for my cousin Marylou's son Chad.  He is now the father of two robust 3 year old twin boys.  Good times.

1858 - In a speech in Springfield, ILU.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved. He declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." I wish someone would remind our country of this now.  Phew.

My neighbors Ty and Shannon have been desperately wanting a baby for the last 10? years, a long time.  This week their dream came true.  Yesterday they were given a 4 month old baby girl named Nicola with the hope and prayer they will be able to adopt her.  I went there tonight to see how they were getting along with the new addition.  They have moved a mile from me, but said I am still the closest for getting a phone call if they have trouble.  As any new parents they will survive and so will the baby.  It was a joy to see them with her.  "You have to bath them every night?" Her mom and I laughed and nodded.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico
Puerto Rican culture is somewhat complex - others will call it colorful. Culture is a series of visual manifestations and interactions with the environment that make a region and/or a group of people different from the rest of the world. Puerto Rico, without a doubt has several unique characteristics that distinguish our culture from any other.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Shikira and June!!

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