Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016 Monday #getbusy#forgiven#family#israel#anniversaries#shopping

Get Fit
Pilates ring to start the week.  How is your summer exercise plan working?  Are you getting in some extra exercise with the nice weather like walking or biking?  Get busy!

Get Faith
Psalm 119:75 - "I know, Lord, that your laws are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me."  I understand this to mean that while we are trying to be righteous our human nature causes us to err.  We need to have laws to remind us to love one another and love God above all.  We are too often distracted by our sinful nature, but God in his grace forgives us in His son Jesus the Christ.

On this day
1982 -  My brother and his wife decided to split up and on this day he brought his two daughters over here and spent the day.  We picked up KFC and had a picnic and enjoyed the day.  It was his way of letting the girls know he would be living here, because he moved in a few days later.  It was a very tough time for him and my heart broke,

1982 - Israel invaded southern Lebanon in an effort to drive PLO guerrillas out of Beirut. You can read the previous wars about the Israelis in the Bible.

I truly envy people that got married and stayed married for all the years of their lives.  How wonderful it must be to share all of life's joy and sorrows with someone who experiences it on the same level and depth.  It seems like my generation, the baby boomers were the first ones (in our family at least) to start divorcing and the following generations of our family were more into not getting married and/or having children outside of marriage.  There are a few of course that have stayed married and I pray the trend for the others reverses itself.  I do believe that my faith has given me a better understanding of why a stable family life is so important, for all involved.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico


Local retail stores are aside highway PR-3. Large shopping centers were not present mainly due to the closeness of the Canóvanas shopping district area. However, there is one large shopping mall located on 65th Infantry expressway and 956th street. Because it is relatively new, many of its spaces are not leased yet. Together both cities are growing economically very fast and becoming the eastern economic bloc of the northeastern area of Puerto Rico attracting hotels, shopping malls, sport venues among others. Another thing that is making Río Grande more attractive to tourists and businesses alike is the newly constructed and opened Route 66 (or Ruta 66), which makes it a lot more accessible and more appealing to home buyers
Aerial view of PR-3 passing through CanóvanasLet's go shopping today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Alice! Dannielle, Courtney and Jon!

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