Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17, 2016 Friday # PMyoga#law#workcamp#banning#boundaries#food!

Get Fit
Late start to work today, planning on PM yoga tonight!

Get Faith
Nehemiah 8:8  "They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read."   We all need to be reminded of the basic laws and what they mean.  When Jerusalem's new walls went up around the city the prophet Ezra stood up and read from the laws of the Bible for six hours.  The people stood up in reverence, the praised God by lifting their arms and they bowed down in worship.  The first five books of the Bible are what was read, the law,  and the people knew their God and how much he loved them by setting boundaries for them and rules to live by.  Some of us have forgotten those rules and look at our world.

On this day
2002  Nicole was in Savannah Georgia at workcamp.  Mom was at church.  I went to Nicole's soccer banquet for her and filmed, I believe she got the MVP award that year for her goalie skills, which I accepted in her absence. (My life through my children.)

0362 - Emperor Julian issued an edict banning Christians from teaching in Syria. This is in direct opposition to the above reading. Maybe that is what happened to Syria?  

In the recent news I can't help relate the importance of rules with children.  Stay by me, don't walk away, hold my hand.  It is horrific what can happen to children when they disobey or are ignored by a parent in charge.  I love to think that letting a child have a little free space is great but, think about where you are and the possibilities.  Set boundaries for your children they will be better off for it.

Rio Grande Puerto Rico
As with most of Puerto Rico's culture, the country's cuisine reflects strong Spanish,Mexican, African and American influences. Locally known as Cocina Criolla or Creole Cooking, Puerto Rican traditional cuisine can be traced back to the original inhabitants of the land who feasted on fruit, corn and freshly caught seafood. Later, when Columbus arrived on the scene in 1493, other meat, rice, wheat and oil products were thrown into the mix. These mingled flavors can be tasted in various forms in traditional Puerto Rican cuisine.  YUM!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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