Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016 Sunday #hydrating#guardmylips#standup!#alcapurrias!

Get Fit  Yum this looks good:

Get Faith
Psalm 141:3  "Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips"  I need to pray this daily.

On this day
1988 - Nicole was three and had been showing blood in her stool for a week.  I had taken her to the ER at St John and to the Pediatric office we had been going to.  The doctor at the ER was from the office we went to and we saw him again at the office.  He was very patronizing, "oh mother you are just over reacting, she has had the flue a few days and the diarrhea has caused the bleeding "  pat pat on my shoulder and "keep taking the medicine and come back in a week".  I should have sued the guy, he was way off base and almost cost her her life.  The next day she was admitted with kidney failure and was on dialysis for 3 or 4 days and on life support for a week.

1099 - Crusade leaders visited the Mount of Olives where they met a hermit who urged them to assault Jerusalem. I feel there is more to this story.

Even a hermit mother knows more about her child than a doctor.  I should have gone with my gut feeling that it was more than what he was saying.  Fortunately Dr Kim came back from vacation to correctly diagnose her in time and save her life.  Don't ever let a condescending Dr back you into a corner - question and get second opinions.  Mom and Dads know best!

Rio Grande Puerto Rico
Photo © Zain Deane

Do the words "alcapurrias, bacalaítos, pasteles, and empanadillas" mean anything to you? Probably not ... but these finger foods represent Puerto Rico's greasy, crispy, artery-clogging contribution to fast food. The locals love these snacks, which are meat- and vegetable- filled turnovers and fritters.Let's try this for dinner today!  Looks interesting! oh and that healthy watermelon drink.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ty!

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