Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 22, 2016 Wednesday #eathealthy#fish#believe#badhay#adrift#campfire#celebrate!

Get Fit
#whatsitgoodfor #funfacts #gethealthy  Wondering why you should eat vegetables?  Go here and find out.

Get Faith
Mark 8:1-13 - This is the feeding of 4,000 people, it says men so maybe more if the women and children weren't considered "men",  He fed them with 7 loaves of bread and 5 fish.  A miracle?  yes, I believe it was.  He had performed many miracles so maybe it was getting mundane, accepted as the norm and not celebrated.  After feeding them he went across the sea and the men there asked him to do some miracles for them.  He declined and left.  Now, do you want a miracle? a healing or special favor? And, if you get it will you remember where it came from and credit the source?  God is good.  You must believe!

On this day
2008 - The previous fall my boss had purchased a huge number of bales of hay, the guys at the shop put them all in garbage bags and they brought them to my house and put them around the bottom of my house for insulation in the winter.  It worked, my house was much warmer. BUT on this day (not to complain) I had to get those bags off and put them on the curb for the waste collection.  I had to wear long sleeves and a face mask.  There were at least 70 of them.  I still appreciate the effort of their work BUT I never did it again.  Maybe some of you out there know about rotted hay, the smell and the rash you can get handling it.

1611 - English explorer Henry Hudson, his son and several other people were set adrift in present-day Hudson Bay by mutineers. WEll at least in June it was probably good weather for being set adrift.

I miss my daughter.  She is gone to Stoney Lake camp as program director and I won't see her till August (unless I get a chance to get over there).  This morning I received a gift on facebook, a video of her playing guitar at the campfire they have every night to praise God in music.  Thank you Tamara for sharing!  Tamara is a youth director at ther church and has a group there at camp this week.  

Rio Grande Puerto Rico

Father's Day

Third Sunday of June
Give dad a tie.


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St. Peter & St. Paul Day

June 29
Religious celebration; namesake towns haveturnos.


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Things celebrated in Puerto Rio this month!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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