Thursday, February 28, 2019

February 28, 2019 Thursday#forJesus#Thehunt#Guncontrol#Cruise!

Get Faith
Psalm 133:1-2  "How very good and pleasant it is, when kindred live together in unity?  It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard of Aaron, running down over the collar of his robes."   This study is actually about Mary anointing Jesus' feet with a perfumed lard and wiping it with her hair, an act that Jesus so appreciated.  Not much is mentioned in the Gospels of people doing something for Jesus - he was always the giver. To show your love to Him, you can share the Gospel and love your neighbor as yourself.  That would make him happy.  Having your family in unity - priceless!

On this day
1975  I was living in Birmingham in my little house and always on the lookout for a new boyfriend.  This was a Friday so my friend Nan and I went out to Jag's.  Then I went to the Red Cedars to see a friend, Tom King who played the piano and sang there, then on to the Grog Shop and back to Jags.  As I said, I was hunting.  It is what we did in those days.

1844 - Several people were killed aboard the USS Princeton when a 12-inch gun exploded. wow!

From Bosa Sardinia to Corum Turkey
Locator Map of Sardinia You can see that land travel would be interesting but flight would save time.  Maybe a nice cruise ship would be fun, let's do that!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katelyn!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 Wednesday#KnowChrist#Lovemyfriend#Congressionaljurisdiction#TenoresdiBitti

Get Faith
John chapter 11  "So from that day on they planned to put him to death."  Although Jesus had never threatened to kill anyone, or form an army to fight them - he was feared.  What he was doing, the healing and the teaching, raising people from the dead was frightening to them, as it should have been.  They were afraid of the following that He was gaining.  We are all afraid of things we don't know or understand.  That is why it is important for us to learn the Gospel and know the peace and comfort that knowing Christ brings.  It is what you don't know that can hurt you.

On this day
1968 - Chris and I were such good friends after working together for only two years or so.  I went home with Chris for dinner and colored and set her hair for her.  Her husband was working in Ohio but must have been home because the journal says they drove me home.  I think Don (my boyfriend) was using my car at the time.  Sometimes it is the little things we do, that we don't remember that have set our friendships in stone.  Still love my friend Chris.

1801 - The city of Washington, DC, was placed under congressional jurisdiction.  Think about that a city under the jurisdiction of the Congress?  What does that mean, they are not subject to the same laws as us?  I'm  beginning to understand.

Bosa Sardinia


Launeddas players
Sardinia is home to one of the oldest forms of vocal polyphony, generally known as cantu a tenore. In 2005, Unesco classed the cantu a tenore among intangible world heritage. Several famous musicians have found it irresistible, including Frank ZappaOrnette Coleman, and Peter Gabriel. The latter travelled to the town of Bitti in the central mountainous region and recorded the now world-famous Tenores di Bitti CD on his Real World label. The guttural sounds produced in this form make a remarkable sound, similar to Tuvan throat singing. Another polyphonic style of singing, more like the Corsican paghjella and liturgic in nature, is found in Sardinia and is known as cantu a cuncordu.
Another unique instrument is the launeddas. Three reed-canes (two of them glued together with beeswax) produce distinctive harmonies, which have their roots many thousands of years ago, as demonstrated by the bronze statuettes from Ittiri, of a man playing the three reed canes, dated to 2000 BC.  Wow I suggest you listen!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!!  Happy Birthday Mary M!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019 Tuesday#Lazarus#Distantrelatives#nuraghe

Get Faith
John 11:41-43  So they took away the stone.  And Jesus looked upward and said, "Father, I thank you for having heard me.  I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me."  When he had said this , he cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"  God has power over life and death.  The life you should be concerned with is your life with God in the next life.  Join us in our belief.

On this day
2018  Last year was a nightmare at this time.  Alice was in Traverse City after her second hip replacement and Andy was in Saginaw with a brain bleed from a fall.  Lindsey went up to Saginaw this day to see her Dad.  The weather was playing a part in whether we traveled up there.  It is difficult when family members live so far away, especially when there is something  like this going on.  It hasn't go any better this year.  Does your family live close? Or are they scattered across the country?  How do you deal with it?

1870 - In New York City, the first pneumatic-powered subway line was opened to the public. (Beach Pneumatic Transit) 

Bosa Sardinia

Of the prehistoric architecture in Sardinia there are numerous testimonies such as the domus de janas (hypogeic tombs), the Giants' grave, the megalithic circles, the menhirs, the dolmens and the well temples;[171] however, the element that more than any other characterizes the Sardinian prehistoric landscape are the nuraghe;[172] the remains of thousands of these Bronze Age buildings of various types (simple and complex) are still visible today. There are also numerous traces left by the Phoenicians and Punics who introduced new urban forms on the coasts.
The Romans gave a new administrative structure to the whole island through the restructuring of several cities, the creation of new centers and the construction of many infrastructures of which the ruins remain, such as the palace of Re Barbaro in Porto Torres or the Roman Amphitheatre of Cagliari. Even from the early Christian and Byzantine epoch there are several testimonies throughout the territory both on the coasts and inside, especially linked to buildings of worship.
Let's visit some of these, we are getting ready to pack up and move on.  Check out some of the noted architecture!

Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Keyana!! 

Monday, February 25, 2019

February 25, 2019 Monday #HelivesWelive#Notfit#10years#FirstBank#Ferry!

Get Faith
John chapter 11  "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?""  My brother and his wife are both fighting cancer right now so this means a lot to me.  You answer Jesus's question - "Do you believe this?"  I hope so.

Get Fit
I am not.  This new job has taken my feeling of well being.  I guess at 72, if you haven't been doing it all along you can't take a full time, on your feet, busy job.  Lesson learned.

On this day
2017  I was recuperating from my lung cancer surgery, barely a month ago.  I went to Kroger, shopped came home made food to take to John and Sophie's for our monthly travel meeting.  We were in Sweden.  Deb and Jeff picked me up for the drive over to Pleasant Ridge.  What a great group and celebrating 10 years of doing this travel thing!!

1791 - First Bank of the United States (The President, Directors and Company, of the Bank of the United States) was chartered by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Washington. 



A high-speed ferry in the Gulf of Olbia
The ferry companies operating on the island are Tirrenia di NavigazioneMoby LinesCorsica Ferries - Sardinia Ferries, Grandi Navi Veloci, SNAVSNCM and CMN; they link the Sardinian seaports of Porto TorresOlbiaGolfo AranciArbataxSanta Teresa GalluraPalau and Cagliariwith CivitavecchiaGenoaLivornoNaplesPalermoTrapaniPiombino in ItalyMarseilleToulonBonifacioPropriano and Ajaccio in France and Barcelona in Spain.
A regional ferry company, the Saremar, links the main island to the islands of La Maddalena and San Pietro, and from 2011, also the port of Olbia with Civitavecchia and Porto Torres with Savona.
About 40 tourist harbours are located along the Sardinian coasts.  Lets do this today - we are short on time here!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 23, 2019 Saturday #10%ers#Missmom#Lovecotton#Sheep!

Get Faith
From Mark chapter 12  "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury....."  Jesus related this after seeing a woman put in a penny after all the wealthy were making a lot of noise dropping coins heavily into the coffers.  We give what we can from our resources and ability.  A little offering given from the heart means more to Jesus than a show of giving to impress others.  Since the beginning in Genesis, God has requested the first 10 % of your income to him.  Does he need it?  You figure out why it is important.

On this day
2016  Mom had passed away in December and I was trying to fill my time now that I was retired and didn't have Mom to care for at home or visit everyday at the Senior home.  I cleaned and called friends and started work on my second book.  I remember though, the feeling that something was missing from my days.  Enjoy your parents.

1813 - The first U.S. raw cotton-to-cloth mill was founded in Waltham, MAThis was huge!

Sardinia's land is dedicated 60% to livestock, 20% to agriculture and the rest is occupied by closed forests, urban areas and areas that are not exploitable.[citation needed] Sardinia is home to nearly 4 million sheep,[120] almost half of the entire Italian assets and that makes the island one of the areas of the world with the highest density of sheep along with some parts of UK and New Zealand (135 sheep every square kilometer versus 129 in UK and 116 in New Zealand). Sardinia has been for thousands of years specializing in sheep breeding, and, to a lesser extent, goats and cattle that is less productive of agriculture in relation to land use. It is probably in breeding and cattle ownership the economic base of the early proto-historic and monumental Sardinian civilization from Neolithic to the Iron Age.
  Looks like Scotland to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!!!

Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019 Friday#1God#Mom#solideconomy

Get Faith
Mark chapter 12:28-31  "One of the scribes came near and....asked him, "Which commandment is the first of all?"Jesus answered,"The first is, 'Hear O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'  The second is this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"  I can't improve on this.

On this day
2015  Nicole went to Christ Lutheran and then out to breakfast with my friends Pat and Sherry.  She had house sat for them when they went out of town the week before.  My friend Don had spent the night, we had been out with the travelers the night before and it is a long drive home to Redford after a night of drinking.  After he left I went to First English Lutheran and then Waynette and I went to Heartland to see Mom.  She was in Rehab after being in the hospital.  This was a long year, she never came home after this episode, she couldn't get her legs to support her anymore and was a serious fall risk.  I couldn't bring her home.  At this point I had no idea what was going to happen but God had a plan.

1855 - The U.S. Congress voted to appropriate $200,000 for continuance of the work on the Washington Monument. The next morning the resolution was tabled and it would be 21 years before the Congress would vote on funds again. Work was continued by the Know-Nothing Party in charge of the project. Some things do not change!



Economic classification of European regions according to Eurostat
Exports of Sardinia in 2012–13
Taken as a whole, Sardinia's economic conditions are such that the island is in the best position among Italian regions located south of Rome. The greatest economic development had taken place inland, in the provinces of Cagliari and Sassari, characterized by a certain amount of enterprise. According to Eurostat, the 2014 nominal GDP was €33,356 million, €33,085 million in purchasing power parity, resulting in a GDP per capita of €19,900, which is 72% of the EU average. The per capita income in Sardinia is the highest of the southern half of Italy. The most populated provincial chief towns have higher incomes: in Cagliari the income per capita is €27,545, in Sassari €24,006, in Oristano €23,887, in Nuoro is €23,316 and in Olbia is €20,827.[104]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!
happy birthday Bill, Kristina and Samatha!!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 21, 2019 Thursday #Kingdomcome#Alzheimers#Carthage

Get Faith
Mark chapter 12   Jesus said "Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's."  We have a hard time deciphering between what is important and because we are of this earth - we consider this life and this place, important.  God put us here, He knows it is important.  He gave us this world to care for and while we have failed dismally, he can forgive us but we need to remember that Jesus and the kingdom to come is our real home and live accordingly.

On this day
Coincidentally I read the story of the good Samaritan this morning in the book of Luke and now reading from my journal in 2014 I read about my neighbor across the street.  It was a Friday and Al and Mom always went to get their hair done and have lunch - they were 92 and 90.  Al's daughter called me and asked if I had seen Al (she usually looked out her window in the morning) and I had to admit I had not.  I tried to call and she didn't answer so I went over.  She didn't come to the door.  Although I had a key to her house, the screen doors were locked.  I banged on the doors and windows and finally a very sleepy Al opened the door and let me in.  Her phone was unplugged from the wall.  They went on their way to their appointment and I called her daughter Ann back and said all was well.  Al has Alzheimer  but Mom said she was a good driver and after 50 years of going to the same hairdresser and restaurant they had no problems.  Whew.

1848 - The Communist Manifesto was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Have you read this in search of a perfect government?  lol

In 238 BC, taking advantage of Carthage having to face a rebellion of her mercenaries (the Mercenary War) after the First Punic War (264–241 BC), the Romans annexed Corsica and Sardinia from the Carthaginians. The two islands became the province of Corsica and Sardinia. They were not given a provincial governor until 227 BC. The Romans faced many rebellions, and it took them many years to pacify both islands. The existing coastal cities were enlarged and embellished, and Roman colonies such as Turris Lybissonis and Feronia were founded. These were populated by Roman immigrants. The Roman military occupation brought the Nuragic civilization to an end, except for the mountainous interior of the island, which the Romans called Barbaria, meaning "Barbarian land". Roman rule in Sardinia lasted 694 years, during which time the province was an important source of grain for the capital. Latincame to be the dominant spoken language during this period, though Roman culture was slower to take hold, and Roman rule was often contested by the Sardinian tribes from the mountainous regions.[35]

The necropolis of Tuvixeddu is a punic necropolis, one of the largest in the Mediterranean, located in a hill inside the city of Cagliari, Sardinia, called Tuvixeddu.
 Roman thermae of Forum Traiani, in what is now Fordongianus.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February 20, 2019 Wednesday #LookslikeaChristian#stretchbands#feedthesaints#Tharros

Get Faith
Colossians 1:9-12  "We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints."  This is a letter from Paul and Timothy to the Colossians in support of their faith, encouraging them to keep in the faith and keep doing the good work they have been doing.  We need to do that with one another.  It is why we attend church, to be in support of our family of believers in our own church home.  We are also called to support other churches and people in our city, state, country and the world by caring and showing our Christian hearts to the world.  Wear your faith on your face by giving a kind smile to everyone you meet.

Get Fit
Nicole gave me the smaller resistance bands for Christmas one year.  You can put them around your ankles and stretch out your legs side to side, or, around your thighs for squats,lie down and do sit ups etc and your arms.  They are great for working out your whole body. 

On this day
2013  Lent came early this year and on Wednesdays our church makes lunch for after the noon service and dinner before the night service.  Mom, Nicole and I always liked these because the food was good, served up by different groups in the church.  On this day my ladies circle, Grace did the lunch so I attended both lunch and dinner.  Lent doesn't start till March 6th this year - with Ash Wednesday.

1809 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the power of the federal government was greater than that of any individual state. Makes sense to me or we would not be a nation.

Around the 9th century BC the Phoenicians began visiting Sardinia with increasing frequency, presumably initially needing safe overnight and all-weather anchorages along their trade routes from the coast of modern-day Lebanon as far afield as the African and European Atlantic coasts and beyond. The most common ports of call were CaralisNoraBithiaSulci, and TharrosClaudian, a 4th-century Latin poet, in his poem De bello Gildonico, stated that Caralis was founded by people from Tyre, probably in the same time of the foundation of Carthage, in the 9th or 8th century BC.[32]
In the 6th century BC, after the conquest of western Sicily, the Carthaginians planned to annex Sardinia.[33] A first invasion attempt led by Malco was foiled by the victorious Nuraghic resistance. However, from 510 BC, the southern and west-central part of the island was invaded a second time and came under Carthaginian rule.[33][34]
 So many great tales of history around the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Stephanie!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019 Tuesday #Houseofprayer#Busylife#Cowboys#GiantsinSardinia

Get Faith
Mark chapter 11  "Is it not written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?" But you have made it a den of robbers."  My thoughts are drawn to the TV evangelists when I read this.  They show wealthy settings and tell people how good they are.  I'm afraid their message does not reach home but I hope it does.  I was raised in a German Lutheran Missouri church, very strong ideas about how you should conduct yourself.  (Not that I did)  I think the teaching I received has stayed in my mind though.  When I read this, I worry about the mega - non denominational churches and pray they are keeping it a house of prayer.

On this day
2012  Was a Sunday and after church Waynette and Gerry took me to lunch.  When I got home my neighbors, Ty and Shannon came over with birthday wishes.  Nicole and I spent the afternoon working on the sports cards, had dinner and then back to church for a Board of Evangelism meeting and church council.  I loved the involvement but sometime it gets too much.  I never could pace myself.  Whats going on in your life?  Is it well balanced with busyness and relaxation?

1846 - The formal transfer of government between Texas and the United States took place. Texas had officially become a state on December 29, 1845. Cowboys and ranchers enter the boarder.

 This looks interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, February 18, 2019

February 18, 2019 Monday #Hosanna#fightback#hungover#Coghinas

Get Faith
Mark chapter 11  This recounts the Palm Sunday message.  As prophesied "they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it and He rode it into Jerusalem"  The people sang and shouted "Hosanna!"  to Him.  They loved him for his goodness and how he had treated and healed them.  "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!"  Yes, He was so blessed and brought blessings to those he met.  Because He was so good to them they worshiped him and sang "Hosanna in the highest heaven."  But what He did after that should bring us to singing and praising the Holy name of Jesus much more.

Get Fit
I worked out (a little) with Jillian this morning.  Just because I just turned 72 doesn't mean I should quit exercising, right?  I admit to being somewhat limited but I'm going to fight back!  Yeah!!

On this day
2011  It is/was the day after my birthday.  Don had taken me to the Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe the night before, my favorite place - so I was still stuffed and a little hungover.  I was supposed to do a lock in with the kids this night but it was cancelled.  I was relieved but I'm always sorry when those things fail.  I really enjoyed all the years I spent working with the youth at church - it turned me around and a few of them as well I hope.

1685 - Robert Cavelier, Sieur de LaSalle established Fort St. Louis at Matagorda Bay, and thus formed the basis for France's claim to TexasPossibly another good story or movie!

Sardinia has few major rivers, the largest being the Tirso, 151 km (94 mi) long, which flows into the Sea of Sardinia, the Coghinas (115 km) and the Flumendosa (127 km). There are 54 artificial lakes and dams that supply water and electricity. The main ones are Lake Omodeo and Lake Coghinas. The only natural freshwater lake is Lago di Baratz. A number of large, shallow, salt-water lagoons and pools are located along the 1,850 km (1,150 mi) of the coastline.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole B

Saturday, February 16, 2019

February 16, 2019 Saturday #Yourfaith#5lbs#weakstomach#GennargentuRanges

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  A blind man called out to Jesus "Jesus, son of David have mercy on me!"...  Then Jesus said to him, "What do you want me to do for you?"  The blind man said to him, "My teacher, let me see again."  Jesus said to him, "Go: your faith has made you well."   Jesus knew that he had faith and that he believed he could heal him.  Do you know that?  How is your faith?  The most important thing to remember is that we want to be healed and forgiven for our sins so that we can be saved from eternal death.   Do you know that?

On this day
Worked out with some 5lb weights this morning.  Arms and weighted squats and lunges.  Boy I hope this works.

On this day
2009  I was still working at Clancy's but looking for another job.  His son was making it miserable for me to get up in the morning and go to work.  I was looking into the health care business, caring for home bound people.  When I realized that I had to be prepared to handle all situations I realized that I wasn't cut out for that.  My stomach was a little weak.  So I continued looking for a second job and ended up sticking it out at Clancy's for a number of years.

1741 - Benjamin Franklin published America’s second magazine, "The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle".   He was a busy guy!

The island has an ancient geoformation and, unlike Sicily and mainland Italy, is not earthquake-prone. Its rocks date in fact from the Palaeozoic Era (up to 500 million years old). Due to long erosion processes, the island's highlands, formed of granite, schisttrachytebasalt (called jaras or gollei), sandstone and dolomite limestone (called tonneri or "heels"), average at between 300 to 1,000 metres (984 to 3,281 feet). The highest peak is Punta La Marmora (Perdas Carpìas in Sardinian language)(1,834 m (6,017 ft)), part of the Gennargentu Ranges in the centre of the island. Other mountain chains are Monte Limbara (1,362 m (4,469 ft)) in the northeast, the Chain of Marghine and Goceano (1,259 m (4,131 ft)) running crosswise for 40 kilometres (25 miles) towards the north, the Monte Albo (1,057 m (3,468 ft)), the Sette Fratelli Range in the southeast, and the Sulcis Mountains and the Monte Linas (1,236 m (4,055 ft)). The island's ranges and plateaux are separated by wide alluvial valleys and flatlands, the main ones being the Campidano in the southwest between Oristano and Cagliari and the Nurrain the northwest.
  Beautiful country!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ed!

Friday, February 15, 2019

February 15, 2019 Friday#Loveofwealth#I'mback#SecretaryofState#StraitofBonifacia

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God:"  They asked "then who can be saved"  And the answer was "For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible."  The correct way to say this verse in another place is "the love of money is the root of all evil."  Because it becomes the main focus of your life - having money - a lot of it, and buying everything you can.  Your "stuff" becomes your God.  So then for someone who has a lot of wealth and enjoys it and never remembers it can go away and leave them with nothing - they should be sure to keep God ahead of all that they love.  I know many people with a lot of wealth, and I pray for them, that they remember that above all God will still be there and I hope He knows my friends.

Get Fit
Everything worked this morning, my video played, my cat was out and I had time to do some squats and sit ups with a resistance band.  It felt good to move my legs again without pain.  I'm back!!

On this day
2008  It is just 2 days before my birthday - then and now.  What do you have to do?  Get your license plate tabs and maybe renew your driver license.  I worked a short day, I had to take Mom to the doctor in the morning so I got to work at 9:15, then apparently left early to pick up my license tabs.  It must not have taken long or I would have mentioned it like I will today.  Nicole called me in a place in line and I got there at 9:15 and after sitting and talking to the guy beside me who was there when I got there and still there after I left, at 11:15.  I have to believe there is a better way.  Once I got to the counter it took me 5 minutes at the most.  Some things don't get better with time, but hey! remember when everyone's plates expired at the same time?  I do.

1764 - The city of St. Louis was established. Take me to ST Louis - Louis, Take me to the fair.

The nearest land masses are (clockwise from north) the island of Corsica, the Italian PeninsulaSicilyTunisia, the Balearic Islands, and Provence. The Tyrrhenian Sea portion of the Mediterranean Sea is directly to the east of Sardinia between the Sardinian east coast and the west coast of the Italian mainland peninsula. The Strait of Bonifacio is directly north of Sardinia and separates Sardinia from the French island of Corsica.
The coasts of Sardinia [1,849 kilometres (1,149 miles) long] are generally high and rocky, with long, relatively straight stretches of coastline, many outstanding headlands, a few wide, deep bays, rias, many inlets and with various smaller islands off the coast.
sounds like a delightful place to explore!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rachel B!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019 Thursday#ForYou#Snowbusiness#Appleparer#TyrrhenianSea

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  Jesus took his disciples off to the side and told them what was going to happen.  How he would be judged, condemned, beaten, mocked, spit on, flogged and hung on the cross to die.  He also told them on the third day he would be raised up from the dead.  This had been prophesied through the Bible in the old testament and everything that was said was about to come true but, his followers were convinced they would save Him, never let this happen.  Wouldn't you do the same thing for your friend and teacher?  And imagine what He described to them?  We would be appalled to think of that happening to anyone, let alone our Savior Jesus the Christ.  It had to happen to save us from our sins - our sin is THAT serious to God that He sent His Son to be subjected to this for us.

On this day
2007  Valentine Day.  They come and go, sometime you have a sweetheart and sometime you don't.  I didn't this year, either.  We had a big snow storm and the guys at work took all the equipment over to Causley's GMC dealership to move snow off of their lots.  They moved the vehicles, plowed the snow and loaded it into trucks, semi's and dumps and hauled it off site to the bosses farm on 15 Mile. I never knew that happened before I worked there and thought maybe you didn't either.

1803 - Moses Coates received a patent for the apple parer. And yet I still don't have one.

Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily and before Cyprus), with an area of 24,100 square kilometres (9,305 sq mi). It is situated between 38° 51' and 41° 18' latitude north (respectively Isola del Toro and Isola La Presa) and 8° 8' and 9° 50' east longitude (respectively Capo dell'Argentiera and Capo Comino). To the west of Sardinia is the Sea of Sardinia, a unit of the Mediterranean Sea; to Sardinia's east is the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is also an element of the Mediterranean Sea.[20]
Gives me new knowledge of a couple of seas I hadn't heard of.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Sue V , Jackie and Shane

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019 Wednesday #Asachild#Stillmove#cupcakes#Inquisition#micro-continent!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."   Don't try to overthink your faith.  It is simply to trust and obey your God in those things He knows are right for you.  Those children that have been in church since they were babies have (most but not all) learned their faith as they have learned to breathe.  They know God in their heart and soul,  because He has been their nurturer through Pastors and teachers and parents.  They have learned that God is their life.  We stray but usually find our way back into the fold.  You can be forgiven and accept Christ and know that peace and serenity as a child does.

Get Fit
After all  these years of preaching about exercise I am off my game.  But I am not down, I will find out what's wrong with my hip and move ahead from there.  That is the secret of keeping healthy.  Don't let it end you and make you feel like you can't get back. 

On this day
2006  It was a Monday and a bad day for driving. (You would think we would get used to it.) But Mom needed the car for her foot Dr appointment so Nicole dropped me off at work and then head back to college, Albion, about a 2 hour drive.  She was late for class.   Mom picked me up after work.  Mom enjoyed driving and was very upset with me when we sold her car.  Her driving had taken a turn and I didn't want to wait till it became serious.  It is so hard to lose that independence.  Mom and I had dinner and then I had a Board of Youth meeting at church and came home and baked a cake for work the next day.  Valentines.  Hey!  Bake some cupcakes for work tomorrow!!

1633 - Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for trial before the Inquisition. Scary.

Due to the variety of its ecosystems, which include mountains,[6] woods, plains, largely uninhabited territories, streams, rocky coasts and long sandy beaches, the island has been defined metaphorically as a micro-continent.[7] In the modern era, many travelers and writers have exalted its beauty, remained untouched until the contemporary age and immersed in a landscape that houses the vestiges of the Nuragic civilization.[8]


The name Sardinia is from the pre-Roman noun *s(a)rd-, later romanised as sardus (feminine sarda). It makes its first appearance on the Nora Stone, where the word Šrdn testifies to the name's existence when the Phoenician merchants first arrived.[9] According to Timaeus, one of Plato's dialogues, Sardinia (referred to by most ancient Greek authors as "Sardò", Σαρδὼ) and its peopleas well might have been named after a legendary woman going by Sardò (Ancient GreekΣαρδὼ), born in Sardis (Σάρδεις), capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lydia.[10][11] There has also been speculation that identifies the ancient Nuragic Sards with the Sherden, one of the Sea Peoples.[12][13][14][15][16] It is suggested that the name had a religious connotation from its use also as the adjective for the ancient Sardinian mythological hero-god Sardus Pater[17] ("Sardinian Father" or "Father of the Sardinians"), as well as being the stem of the adjective "sardonic". In Classical antiquity, Sardinia was called a number of names besides Sardò (Σαρδὼ) or Sardinia, like Ichnusa (the Latinised form of Ancient GreekἸχνοῦσα),[18] Sandaliotis (Ancient GreekΣανδαλιῶτις[19]) and Argirofleps (Ancient GreekΑργυρόϕλεψ).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Joe and Reggie!