Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019 Wednesday #Lookharder#Don'tbeKaren#RagnosAltos

Get Faith
Mark chapter 8   In continuing The Gospel of Christs life and healing today tells of friends that brought a blind man to Jesus to be healed.  ".......when he had put saliva on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, "Can you see anything?"  And the man looked up and said, "I can see people, but they look like trees, walking."  Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he looked intently and his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly."   We very often are like the blind man, we think we know what we see but it isn't the right thing.  When it says "he saw clearly" I believe it meant that his faith had been restored and he saw the Truth and the Way - the clearly true Jesus the Christ.  Are you seeing the right thing?  Do you need to look harder into your faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ?

On this day
1997  Not my best day - went to two funeral homes.  The first one was for my ex-sister in laws mother, over in Farmington.  My new sister - Alice and I went, which might seem odd,  but it was the girls, Merri and Lindseys' Grandmother.  The second one was a friend from Church's Mom.  It is important to pay our respects.  There was a note on the page "1 hang up at work".  My boss had a girlfriend that called a million times.  She talked in silly languages, asked stupid questions and was just an all around pain.  It went on for years.  Don't be Karen.

1778 - The United States gained official recognition from France as the two nations signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance in Paris. Our BFF

Bosa Sardinia
Inside the castle’s walls the wandering traveler will find a 14th century chapel called Regnos Altos which features some of Sardinia’s most important medieval frescoes uncovered during a recent restoration.
A short walk (or boat ride) down the river brings one to the Romanesque church of St. Peter, which dates back to 1062. The church sits in an idyllic spot amongst an old olive grove with a view toward the town on the hill. If you wander back to the apse, you’ll see an inscribed stone dating from Roman times set amongst the lower coarse of stone.
Walking toward the sea, on the other hand, brings you to the beach at Bosa Marina in less than a half hour.   Sounds great let's go!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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