Monday, February 4, 2019

February 4, 2019 Monday# Hecameforall#NotCinderealla#Seaside!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 7  "A woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately heard about him, and she came and bowed down at his feet.  Now the woman was a Gentile..."  Jesus did not come just for the Israelite's, he came for all people.  This woman believed in him even though she was not a Jew. Jesus knew this and let her know that His love extended to her and her daughter was freed of the evil spirit.  Do you think you are outside of God's arms?  Do you feel like an outsider?  Do you think you have lived such a bad life that you cannot be part of the kingdom of God?  Jesus came for you, not for the righteous.  They didn't need to be saved, but those of us who were lost in sin have been saved and are welcomed to his home. The church.

On this day
1995  What do you do with your kids in the winter?  I found a theater class for Nicole called Let's Act UP at a local school.  She and Aaron had been doing little shows for the video camera for a while and I thought she might like to try this.  She liked it and finished the class.  The play they did was Cinderella, and there was one boy in the class who was the prince.  Nicole played the prince's "man" in the play.  Uncle Ty came to watch the end result with me.

1783 - Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities with its former colonies, the United States of America.   Friends at last.

Bosa Sardinia
bosa riverfront picture
Bosa, on Sardinia’s west coast, is crowded into both sides of the Temo, Sardinia’s only navigable river. If a traveler reaches it from the north, most likely from Alghero, he’s had one of the most scenic rides available in Sardinia.  I think I did this picture as a jigsaw puzzle once.  Beautiful!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandra!

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