Saturday, February 2, 2019

February 2, 2019 Saturday #Heartcontents#Boatshow#TemoRiver

Get Faith
Mark 7:14  "....(He) said to them, "Listen to me....there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what defile..."    We look at the evil in the world and are offended by it - God looks at our hearts to see us.  There follows this line a list of evil things we have in our hearts;  fornication, murder, theft adultery etc.  It is how we respond to this world that we must control.  What is in your heart?

On this day
1991  My husbands father owned a boat store and this time of year for us meant he would be gone early and back late from the Cobo Hall boat show every year.  I would occasionally pack up Nicole and Aaron and take them down to see Dad and Grandpa, but most of all to look at the beautiful boats.  It was our life in those days, Mark was either selling boats or racing in the summer and our friends were mostly all boaters.  But on this day Nicole and I stayed home, Mom came over and we had pea soup for dinner.  Not every day is exciting!

1536 - The Argentine city of Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain. 

Bosa Sardinia

Bosa is a town and comune in the province of Oristano (until May 2005 it was in the province of Nuoro), part of the Sardinia region of Italy. Bosa is situated about two-thirds of the way up the west coast of Sardinia, on a small hill, about 3 kilometres (2 miles) inland on the north bank of the Temo River. The town has maintained a population of around 8,000 people for a significant amount of time, but has an urban character that has differentiated it from other locations in Sardinia. Agriculture and fishing play an important part in the city economy, thanks to the river valley near the coast surrounded by hills and highland plateaus.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill G!

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