Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019 Tuesday #Houseofprayer#Busylife#Cowboys#GiantsinSardinia

Get Faith
Mark chapter 11  "Is it not written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?" But you have made it a den of robbers."  My thoughts are drawn to the TV evangelists when I read this.  They show wealthy settings and tell people how good they are.  I'm afraid their message does not reach home but I hope it does.  I was raised in a German Lutheran Missouri church, very strong ideas about how you should conduct yourself.  (Not that I did)  I think the teaching I received has stayed in my mind though.  When I read this, I worry about the mega - non denominational churches and pray they are keeping it a house of prayer.

On this day
2012  Was a Sunday and after church Waynette and Gerry took me to lunch.  When I got home my neighbors, Ty and Shannon came over with birthday wishes.  Nicole and I spent the afternoon working on the sports cards, had dinner and then back to church for a Board of Evangelism meeting and church council.  I loved the involvement but sometime it gets too much.  I never could pace myself.  Whats going on in your life?  Is it well balanced with busyness and relaxation?

1846 - The formal transfer of government between Texas and the United States took place. Texas had officially become a state on December 29, 1845. Cowboys and ranchers enter the boarder.

 This looks interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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