Sunday, February 3, 2019

February 3, 2019 Sunday#Love God#Makesomethinghappentoday#MalaspinaCastle

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13  "If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."  Without love, the Love that God gives us to share with all, we are nothing.  Jesus tries to teach about the true love that we should share with one another, not just of our families but of all those on earth.  We should be considerate of every living thing on earth.  It is what God intended from the beginning.  I have a hard time with TV evangelists, sometimes.  If they are "speaking to you" making you feel better about yourself without reminding you of the better love of God, they may not be really speaking to you.  It should be about God and your praise and adoration of Him.  Love God!

On this day
1992  I love opening up to a page on this day and it says I took the kids to the beach.  Then I realize I am on the wrong month. 1992 was blank as was 93.  1994 simply says the car broke.  I/m  thinking 1992 January 3 was a far better day. 

Funny thing - on this day shows nothing of importance on any of  those February 3rd in 92, 93 or 94!

Bosa Sardinia


The area was inhabited since prehistorical times, as attested by the presence of several domus de janasand nuraghe. It was probably founded by the Phoenicians, although little is known about the original settlement. Under the Romans it was a municipium. The present town of Bosa was founded in 1112 by the Malaspina, 2½ km (1½ miles) from the site of the ancient town (Bosa or Calmedia)[1] In the early Middle Ages, as part of the Giudicato of Logudoro, it was a provincial capital. After the construction of the Malaspina Castle, the population gradually moved from the seaside to the hills.
It remained in the hands of the Malaspina family until the 14th century when it was taken over by the House of Aragon. Along with the rest of Sardinia, it was later ruled by Spain via royal marriage. For a short period in between it was a part of the independent Kingdom of Arborea (Giudicato of Arborea).
   So little past for such a huge amount of buildings!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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