Sunday, February 10, 2019

February 10, 2019 Sunday#BeaChristian#styledhair#WineandLobster!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."  Jesus taught us how to be salt and light to the earth.  He related an earthly substance to let people know that just as we need salt and light - we need God, and His Son Jesus has given us lessons to be His people.  Don't tell people you are a Christian - show them.

On this day
2003  Don't you love those days at work when all the people that make work - work, are off on vacation?  It was so pleasant with just Jay and the Mexicans, everyone happy and congenial.   I still miss the great lunches we had.  Jay loved to cook and occasionally Cholo and Rigo would bring in or cook Mexican food, what a treat!!  After work I went to Trish's for a haircut.  It was at the end of my street and recommended by friends and family. All I can think of is that she looked at me as an old person = I looked like my Mom when I left.  I quit her and started going to the quicky cut places and it worked better for me.   Have you been going to the same stylist or barber for years?  It is a special bond isn't it?  I'm enjoying working at a salon now and see those bonds.

1846 - Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began their exodus to the west from IllinoisThis would be interesting to learn about.

Bosa Sardinia
La Malvasia di Bosa is a concentrated DOC dessert wine produced in the Bosa area in the towns of Bosa, Flussio, Magomadas, Modolo, Suni, Tinnura e Tresnuraghes, grown in vineyards not more than 325 meters above sea level (these towns make up La Strada della Malvasia di Bosa, the Malvasia wine road.
The Mediterranean Spiny Lobster is found all over, but those off the coast of Bosa, arogosta a Bosa are generally accepted to be the best in Sardinia. The place we had them is highly recommended: the Ristorante Sa Pishedda on Via Roma, 2.
bosa riverfront house picture  sounds like a great place to have dinner!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Deb L!!

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