Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019 Wednesday #Asachild#Stillmove#cupcakes#Inquisition#micro-continent!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."   Don't try to overthink your faith.  It is simply to trust and obey your God in those things He knows are right for you.  Those children that have been in church since they were babies have (most but not all) learned their faith as they have learned to breathe.  They know God in their heart and soul,  because He has been their nurturer through Pastors and teachers and parents.  They have learned that God is their life.  We stray but usually find our way back into the fold.  You can be forgiven and accept Christ and know that peace and serenity as a child does.

Get Fit
After all  these years of preaching about exercise I am off my game.  But I am not down, I will find out what's wrong with my hip and move ahead from there.  That is the secret of keeping healthy.  Don't let it end you and make you feel like you can't get back. 

On this day
2006  It was a Monday and a bad day for driving. (You would think we would get used to it.) But Mom needed the car for her foot Dr appointment so Nicole dropped me off at work and then head back to college, Albion, about a 2 hour drive.  She was late for class.   Mom picked me up after work.  Mom enjoyed driving and was very upset with me when we sold her car.  Her driving had taken a turn and I didn't want to wait till it became serious.  It is so hard to lose that independence.  Mom and I had dinner and then I had a Board of Youth meeting at church and came home and baked a cake for work the next day.  Valentines.  Hey!  Bake some cupcakes for work tomorrow!!

1633 - Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome for trial before the Inquisition. Scary.

Due to the variety of its ecosystems, which include mountains,[6] woods, plains, largely uninhabited territories, streams, rocky coasts and long sandy beaches, the island has been defined metaphorically as a micro-continent.[7] In the modern era, many travelers and writers have exalted its beauty, remained untouched until the contemporary age and immersed in a landscape that houses the vestiges of the Nuragic civilization.[8]


The name Sardinia is from the pre-Roman noun *s(a)rd-, later romanised as sardus (feminine sarda). It makes its first appearance on the Nora Stone, where the word Šrdn testifies to the name's existence when the Phoenician merchants first arrived.[9] According to Timaeus, one of Plato's dialogues, Sardinia (referred to by most ancient Greek authors as "Sardò", Σαρδὼ) and its peopleas well might have been named after a legendary woman going by Sardò (Ancient GreekΣαρδὼ), born in Sardis (Σάρδεις), capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lydia.[10][11] There has also been speculation that identifies the ancient Nuragic Sards with the Sherden, one of the Sea Peoples.[12][13][14][15][16] It is suggested that the name had a religious connotation from its use also as the adjective for the ancient Sardinian mythological hero-god Sardus Pater[17] ("Sardinian Father" or "Father of the Sardinians"), as well as being the stem of the adjective "sardonic". In Classical antiquity, Sardinia was called a number of names besides Sardò (Σαρδὼ) or Sardinia, like Ichnusa (the Latinised form of Ancient GreekἸχνοῦσα),[18] Sandaliotis (Ancient GreekΣανδαλιῶτις[19]) and Argirofleps (Ancient GreekΑργυρόϕλεψ).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Joe and Reggie!

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