Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7, 2019 Thursday #WhodoyousayIam?#volleyball#BosaFiletLace

Get Faith
Mark chapter 8  "He asked them, "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter answered him, "You are the Messiah"."   In this chapter Jesus explains to the disciples that He is the Son of God and his teaching switched to the future suffering and pain he would have to go through.  I think they and we need to know that the Crucifixion is the center of the story, the reason God's son came to earth.  Yes he showed us a lot in his three year ministry but his real purpose was to die on that cross for our sins. The disciples had to know that they couldn't stop it - it had to happen.  How do you respond to that question - "Who do you say I am"?

On this day
2001  I was on a regular routine of exercise, shower, lunches, breakfast, school and work.  Nicole was playing volleyball this year and Kelly, another girls Mom and I drove up to St Clair together to watch the game.  I remember driving home on the dark wintry road with her and hoping the bus didn't hit any icy spots.  I don't remember the outcome of the game, but those girls in the country up there were tough to beat. 

1818 - "Academician" began publication in New York City. A journal for Academics?

Bosa Sardinia

Specialties of Bosa

A special type of lacemaking evolved in the Bosa area called Bosa Filet Lace as is displayed in the picture to the right shown by 92 year old lacemaker Giovanna Ledda (see a video of Giovanna Ledda). If you are lucky enough, you might while strolling the town center catch a lacemaker working with the door open. The natives are quite friendly and if you show an interest in the work many times they will offer to sell you a panel or two.lacemaker picture  Beautiful, learn how or buy one to take home!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Alice G, Alex and Josh

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