Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 5, 2019 Tuesday#listen#backup#Minorca?#SasConzas!

Get Faith
mark chapter 7  They brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they begged him to lay his hand on him.............."Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, "Ephphatha," that is , "Be opened."  And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly.  My friends; parents were deaf and hard to communicate with if you didn't know sign language, but I tried and I learned somewhat.  Now I have deaf neighbors that I am able to have a conversation with.  But the truth here is that some people can hear and still don't listen.  The word of God is spoken in reading material, in speech, in action, in music and still some don't listen.  Try to listen with your heart and soul, be open to what you "hear".

On this day
1996  It was cold and a Monday, a bad way to start the week.  My car wouldn't start so my poor Mom dressed and came over to take me to work.  One of the bosses old buddies, Tony, gave me a ride home.  If you don't have people to back you up, and a lot don't, set backs like this can be life changing.  If it happens too often you could lose your job.  Plus, there is always the expense of getting the car fixed.  I had a great mechanic across from where I worked that helped me out a lot, and my Mom's car and later my daughter's cars.  Come to think of it, I was good business for Santo.  I hope you have back up's in place.

1782 - The Spanish captured Minorca from the British.  Minorca? Any idea?  I might have to add this to my travels on line.

Bosa Sardinia
bosa and castle picture

Bosa’s tall and rather slender houses line the river banks, a section of which, called “Sas Conzas”, is comprised of identical and thus harmonious structures once serving as tanneries. Colorful little houses continue up Serraville hill, which is capped by the ruins of a Castle built by the Malaspina family around 1112. From here one can get a fabulous view of sea, river, mountains and fruited plains.

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Michele and Dave!!

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