Thursday, February 28, 2019

February 28, 2019 Thursday#forJesus#Thehunt#Guncontrol#Cruise!

Get Faith
Psalm 133:1-2  "How very good and pleasant it is, when kindred live together in unity?  It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard of Aaron, running down over the collar of his robes."   This study is actually about Mary anointing Jesus' feet with a perfumed lard and wiping it with her hair, an act that Jesus so appreciated.  Not much is mentioned in the Gospels of people doing something for Jesus - he was always the giver. To show your love to Him, you can share the Gospel and love your neighbor as yourself.  That would make him happy.  Having your family in unity - priceless!

On this day
1975  I was living in Birmingham in my little house and always on the lookout for a new boyfriend.  This was a Friday so my friend Nan and I went out to Jag's.  Then I went to the Red Cedars to see a friend, Tom King who played the piano and sang there, then on to the Grog Shop and back to Jags.  As I said, I was hunting.  It is what we did in those days.

1844 - Several people were killed aboard the USS Princeton when a 12-inch gun exploded. wow!

From Bosa Sardinia to Corum Turkey
Locator Map of Sardinia You can see that land travel would be interesting but flight would save time.  Maybe a nice cruise ship would be fun, let's do that!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katelyn!

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