Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 Monday #Livethefaith#getbetter#gerrymandering#BosaHotels!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 9  "Whoever is not against us is for us.  For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward."  There is always a lot of competition between churches. The Catholics and the Protestants, the Baptists and the Lutherans - etc.  We are in the same business people.  Greet others in the faith with the same love and kindness you share with those in your own church.  Live the faith!

On this day
2004  This was a great find for me today.  It said "slept bad - bones & joints ached all night."   I am currently having the same trouble and am relieved that 15 years ago it happened and went away!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!  It is easy at my age to think that everything that goes wrong is permanent.  I take great hope in knowing that I can, once again, overcome this "bones and joints ached all night" thing.  Don't get discouraged when you experience health issues - work to find a solution and go forward. 

1812 - The term "gerrymandering" had its beginning when the governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry, signed a redistricting law that favored his party. This seriously needs to go!

Bosa Sardinia
Bosa has a number of Bosa Vacation Rentals for those of you who wish to stay a while and enjoy this interesting village and its beaches, churches, and unique wines.If a hotel is all you need, check out these user rated accommodations in Bosa: Bosa Hotels or Bosa Marina Hotels
bosa malvasia shop picture  This looks inviting!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue and Merri!!

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