Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 23, 2019 Saturday #10%ers#Missmom#Lovecotton#Sheep!

Get Faith
From Mark chapter 12  "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury....."  Jesus related this after seeing a woman put in a penny after all the wealthy were making a lot of noise dropping coins heavily into the coffers.  We give what we can from our resources and ability.  A little offering given from the heart means more to Jesus than a show of giving to impress others.  Since the beginning in Genesis, God has requested the first 10 % of your income to him.  Does he need it?  You figure out why it is important.

On this day
2016  Mom had passed away in December and I was trying to fill my time now that I was retired and didn't have Mom to care for at home or visit everyday at the Senior home.  I cleaned and called friends and started work on my second book.  I remember though, the feeling that something was missing from my days.  Enjoy your parents.

1813 - The first U.S. raw cotton-to-cloth mill was founded in Waltham, MAThis was huge!

Sardinia's land is dedicated 60% to livestock, 20% to agriculture and the rest is occupied by closed forests, urban areas and areas that are not exploitable.[citation needed] Sardinia is home to nearly 4 million sheep,[120] almost half of the entire Italian assets and that makes the island one of the areas of the world with the highest density of sheep along with some parts of UK and New Zealand (135 sheep every square kilometer versus 129 in UK and 116 in New Zealand). Sardinia has been for thousands of years specializing in sheep breeding, and, to a lesser extent, goats and cattle that is less productive of agriculture in relation to land use. It is probably in breeding and cattle ownership the economic base of the early proto-historic and monumental Sardinian civilization from Neolithic to the Iron Age.
  Looks like Scotland to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!!!

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