Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019 Thursday#ForYou#Snowbusiness#Appleparer#TyrrhenianSea

Get Faith
Mark chapter 10  Jesus took his disciples off to the side and told them what was going to happen.  How he would be judged, condemned, beaten, mocked, spit on, flogged and hung on the cross to die.  He also told them on the third day he would be raised up from the dead.  This had been prophesied through the Bible in the old testament and everything that was said was about to come true but, his followers were convinced they would save Him, never let this happen.  Wouldn't you do the same thing for your friend and teacher?  And imagine what He described to them?  We would be appalled to think of that happening to anyone, let alone our Savior Jesus the Christ.  It had to happen to save us from our sins - our sin is THAT serious to God that He sent His Son to be subjected to this for us.

On this day
2007  Valentine Day.  They come and go, sometime you have a sweetheart and sometime you don't.  I didn't this year, either.  We had a big snow storm and the guys at work took all the equipment over to Causley's GMC dealership to move snow off of their lots.  They moved the vehicles, plowed the snow and loaded it into trucks, semi's and dumps and hauled it off site to the bosses farm on 15 Mile. I never knew that happened before I worked there and thought maybe you didn't either.

1803 - Moses Coates received a patent for the apple parer. And yet I still don't have one.

Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily and before Cyprus), with an area of 24,100 square kilometres (9,305 sq mi). It is situated between 38° 51' and 41° 18' latitude north (respectively Isola del Toro and Isola La Presa) and 8° 8' and 9° 50' east longitude (respectively Capo dell'Argentiera and Capo Comino). To the west of Sardinia is the Sea of Sardinia, a unit of the Mediterranean Sea; to Sardinia's east is the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is also an element of the Mediterranean Sea.[20]
Gives me new knowledge of a couple of seas I hadn't heard of.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Sue V , Jackie and Shane

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