Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 Wednesday#KnowChrist#Lovemyfriend#Congressionaljurisdiction#TenoresdiBitti

Get Faith
John chapter 11  "So from that day on they planned to put him to death."  Although Jesus had never threatened to kill anyone, or form an army to fight them - he was feared.  What he was doing, the healing and the teaching, raising people from the dead was frightening to them, as it should have been.  They were afraid of the following that He was gaining.  We are all afraid of things we don't know or understand.  That is why it is important for us to learn the Gospel and know the peace and comfort that knowing Christ brings.  It is what you don't know that can hurt you.

On this day
1968 - Chris and I were such good friends after working together for only two years or so.  I went home with Chris for dinner and colored and set her hair for her.  Her husband was working in Ohio but must have been home because the journal says they drove me home.  I think Don (my boyfriend) was using my car at the time.  Sometimes it is the little things we do, that we don't remember that have set our friendships in stone.  Still love my friend Chris.

1801 - The city of Washington, DC, was placed under congressional jurisdiction.  Think about that a city under the jurisdiction of the Congress?  What does that mean, they are not subject to the same laws as us?  I'm  beginning to understand.

Bosa Sardinia


Launeddas players
Sardinia is home to one of the oldest forms of vocal polyphony, generally known as cantu a tenore. In 2005, Unesco classed the cantu a tenore among intangible world heritage. Several famous musicians have found it irresistible, including Frank ZappaOrnette Coleman, and Peter Gabriel. The latter travelled to the town of Bitti in the central mountainous region and recorded the now world-famous Tenores di Bitti CD on his Real World label. The guttural sounds produced in this form make a remarkable sound, similar to Tuvan throat singing. Another polyphonic style of singing, more like the Corsican paghjella and liturgic in nature, is found in Sardinia and is known as cantu a cuncordu.
Another unique instrument is the launeddas. Three reed-canes (two of them glued together with beeswax) produce distinctive harmonies, which have their roots many thousands of years ago, as demonstrated by the bronze statuettes from Ittiri, of a man playing the three reed canes, dated to 2000 BC.  Wow I suggest you listen!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!!  Happy Birthday Mary M!

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