Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019 Friday #MyChosen#donutsvsbagels#decidforthemselves?#TrektoBhuton

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9  "Then from the cloud came a voice that said, This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!""  Peter, James and John had gone with Jesus up on a mountain to pray, they were rewarded with hearing the voice of God saying the above.  I would love to go up on a mountain and pray and I would be happy with that - but the joy of being with Jesus and hearing God's voice well that would be over the top wouldn't it?  We can pray and be certain the Jesus takes our prayers to the Father for us, and you can listen to the wind, the rain and that still small voice that calls your name to be His chosen everyday.

On this day
2002  Work and school tedium.  I took bagels into work, it was a Friday.  I usually picked up bagels on this day and the guys enjoyed them.  The boss preferred donuts and brought a couple dozen in everyday and was somewhat off about me bringing in the bagels once a week.  He most often tried to pay me for them and said he liked donuts better......  What do you make of that?  I'm not a donut eater as a rule, but I never complained.  Maybe if I had eaten his donuts he would have eaten a bagel?  Or maybe his teeth bothered him?  Am I overthinking this?   

1854 - The Kansas-Nebraska Act passed by the U.S. Congress. It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. 
Not sure that is a great idea!

Chaandragiri Nepal to Daga Bhutan

I'm sure this would be a very beautiful and exciting trek!  Think backpack!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Sue!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30, 2019 Thursday#MyJesus#Encouragement#Martinargues#Nepalcuisineyum!

Get Fit
Matthew chapter 28  "And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."  By our God, His Father.  We are sent out to share the good news of Jesus Christ so that all people know they are forgiven and saved for eternal life with God.  Are you afraid you won't like it as well as you like this life?  I know you will be joyfully surprised, God only promises good things to us, He loves us. 

On this day
2001  After work and school Nicole and I went to the Athletic Banquet at school.  Nicole was playing soccer and they won the Mac Gold.  Nicole always received an award for being a great student and athlete.  I was a proud Mom.  I know I brag too much but it is important to support your children in whatever their endeavors are.  The confidence it gives them leads to a future on the right road to planning a life of success and happiness.  Encourage them to study and play well you won't regret it.

1527 - The University of Marburg was founded in Germany. Martin Luther was here.



The national cuisine of Nepal is Dhindo and Gundruk.The staple Nepali meal is dal bhatDal is a lentil soup, and is served over bhat (boiled rice), with tarkari (curried vegetables) together with achar (pickles) or chutni (spicy condiment made from fresh ingredients). It consists of non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian items. Mustard oil is a common cooking medium and a host of spices, including cumin, coriander, black pepper, sesame seeds, turmeric, garlic, ginger, methi (fenugreek), bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, chilies and mustard seeds are used in cooking. Momo is a type of steamed dumpling with meat or vegetable fillings, and is a popular fast food in many regions of Nepal.
Tomorrow we leave this place for our next destination - Daga Bhutan

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Elizabeth!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019 Wednesday #Whatmeworry?#Holidaymemories#Fiijians.HolidaysinNepal

Get Fit
Luke chapter 12  "He said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear........And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?""    Who doesn't worry?  We worry about money and what we will wear etc.  At this point in my life, I like to look nice - it makes people acknowledge you in a nicer way, right?  I, being alone, have to worry about the next step in my life and I am taking measures to provide for myself so that I can have a comfortable life, where I like to be and what I can afford.  AND I thank God everyday for what I do have and have had.  Now let's talk about our health.  lol.

On this day
2000  It was Memorial day and after I cut the lawn, Mom, Jan and Jamie came over to have a BBQ with us.  I cooked ribs.  Jamie and Nicole had always set off the somewhat mild firecrackers and I'm sure they did this day as well.  I have had 72 Memorial days and I bet they have all been just a bit different.  I hope you enjoyed yours this past Monday!

2000 - Fiji's military took control of the nation and declared martial law following a coup attempt by indigenous Fijians in mid-May. Another story of the original people being held in check in their own country.


Holidays and festivals

With 15 days a year, Nepal is the country that enjoys the least number of public holidays in the world.[183] The Nepali year begins in 1st of Baisakh in official Hindu Calendar of the country, the Bikram Sambat, which falls in mid-April and is divided into 12 months. Saturday is the official weekly holiday. Main annual holidays include the Martyr's Day (18 February), and a mix of Hindu and Buddhist festivals such as Dashain in autumn, Tihar in mid-autumn and Chhath in late autumn. During Swanti, the Newars perform the Mha Puja ceremony to celebrate New Year's Day of the lunar calendar Nepal Sambat. Being a Secular country Nepal has holiday on main festivals of minority religions in the nation too.[161]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019 Tuesday#LordsPrayer#Middleclass#THeLastSupperrestored#Culture

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 6  "Pray then in this way:  Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one"  The Lord's prayer is universal, if you are Christian you recite from heart.  I have heard stories of those with Alzheimer disease that have lost all memory but still recite this when they hear others saying it.  Jesus gave us this prayer - what more do we need to know?

On this day
1999  I have allergies, who doesn't?  On this day, a Friday, Nicole and I had had a busy week and I was not feeling well - but, we went to school and work anyway.  Mom came over and we went to Andiamo's for dinner.  So,  if you have a chest thing going on, allergies or whatever - we still need to keep going and we need to eat.  Only the very poor or the very rich can lay down and languish in their illnesses.  Us middle class have to keep on trudging along - it is what we do.  Agreed?  Oh and when I got home from dinner I cut the lawn.

1999 - In Milan, Italy, Leonardo de Vinci's "The Last Supper" was put back on display after more than 20 years of restoration work. 



The Nepalese actress and UN Goodwill AmbassadorManisha Koirala
Folklore is an integral part of Nepali society. Traditional stories are rooted in the reality of day-to-day life, tales of love, affection and battles as well as demons and ghosts and thus reflect local lifestyles, culture, and beliefs. Many Nepali folktales are enacted through the medium of dance and music.
Most houses in the rural lowlands of Nepal are made up of a tight bamboo framework and walls of a mud and cow-dung mix. These dwellings remain cool in summer and retain warmth in winter. Houses in the hills are usually made of unbaked bricks with thatch or tile roofing. At high elevations construction changes to stone masonry and slate may be used on roofs.
Nepal's flag is the only national flag in the world that is not rectangular in shape.[181] The constitution of Nepal contains instructions for a geometric construction of the flag.[182] According to its official description, the red in the flag stands for victory in war or courage, and is also the colour of the rhododendron, the national flower of Nepal. Red also stands for aggression. The flag's blue border signifies peace. The curved moon on the flag is a symbol of the peaceful and calm nature of Nepali, while the sun represents the aggressiveness of Nepali warriors.
Flag of Nepal

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019 Monday#ThankHim#Grandpa#Statistics

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9  "He said to them, "But who do you say that I am"  Peter answered, "The Messiah of God""  Many people were confused, they knew He was important, someone they needed to know and listen to but, they didn't know He was the Messiah - only Peter.  Today, still many people do not realize that he is the Messiah, that he came to earth to teach, pray, die and save you from the heavy weight of the law, that none could handle.  He came with the best message from God - to repent and be saved by the grace of God, through His Son Jesus the Christ.  Think about it today, and about all those who went before us to the grave, through war because we can't get along.  Thank Him and praise His Holy Name.

On this day
1998  Nicole and I went to school and work and Mom dropped her off at my work after so we could go to Grandma and Grandpa McCarthy's for his birthday.  I signed the papers for my and the kids airline tickets, for us to fly back from Florida after we helped them move down there in a few weeks.  So on this day we helped them pack up what was left in their home here.  He had just had a heart attack and Ma was super depressed about having to move out of the home she loved.  It was not a happy birthday, but we spent it together.  That's what family does.

1998 - Charlie Sheen was admitted to a hospital in Los Angeles for a drug overdose. 

1998 - Michael Fortier was sentenced to 12 years in prison for not warning anyone about the plot to bomb an Oklahoma City federal building. 
Bad choices on both of their parts.

Population Structure
Population26,494,504 (2011)
Growth rate1.35%
Population below 14 Years old34.19%
Population of age 15 to 5954.15%
Population above 608.13%
Median age (average)20.07
Median age (male)19.91
Median age (females)20.24
Ratio (male:female)100:94.16
Life expectancy (average) (reference:[155])66.16 Years
Life expectancy (male)64.94
Life expectancy (female)67.44
Literacy rate (average)65.9%
Literacy rate (male)75.1%
Literacy rate (female)57.4%
  I found this interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Grandpa, Dolly, Pierre and Claire!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

May 25, 2019 Saturday #Prayer#Family#Politics#1,000BC!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9  "Then Jesus called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal."  Do you believe that you can drive out demons and cure diseases?  We are not part of the twelve but we are disciples if we believe in God and that He sent his son Jesus the Christ to die for our sins so that we have eternal life with Him.  And so, I believe that I can cast out demons and cure the ill - only with Jesus' help.  Continue to pray for those in need of prayer, I'm sure you have seen the benefits of prayer around you. 

On this day
1997  There was a period of 7 years where I didn't write as often in my journal.  There are a lot of empty pages.  Often our lives take a change, Nicole and I stayed busy with family and softball.  We went to work and school and church.  But Mark had left and our lives became different.  So this day that noted we made food and went to my cousin Darrel's for a BBQ and to watch the St Clair Shores Parade go by on Harper meant that we had settled into a new life.  I do remember on this day that my Mom went with us and my Aunt Terrie and Uncle Hank were there.  Aunt Terrie yelled at me for not cutting the watermelon right,  I loved my Aunt Teresa and told her to cut the damn thing herself.  This was actually the first May 25th that anything was recorded in. 

1997 - In Sierra Leone a military coup overthrew the popularly elected President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. He was replaced with Major Johnny Paul Koromah. 

1997 - U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond became the longest-serving senator in U.S. history (41 years and 10 months). 

1997 - Poland adopted a constitution that removed all traces of communism. 
Busy day in history for a change!


Science and technology

Erected by King Bhupatindra Malla in 1702, Nyatapola is an important tourist attraction in the historical city of Bhaktapur.
Historical kingdoms that existed in the Kathmandu valley are found to have made use of some clever technologies in numerous areas such as architecture, agriculture, civil engineering, water management, etc. The Gopals and Abhirs, who ruled the valley up until c. 1000 BC, used temporary materials for construction such as bamboo, hay, timber, etc. The Kirat period (700 BC – 110 AD) employed the technology of brick firing as well as produced quality woolen shawls. Similarly, stupas, idols, canals, self-recharging ponds, reservoirs, etc. constructed during the Lichhavi era (110–879 AD) are intact to this day, which manifests the ingenuity of traditional architecture. Moreover, the Malla period (1200–1768 AD) saw an impressive growth in architecture, on par with its advanced contemporaries. An archetypal example of Malla architecture is Nyatapola, a five-storied, 30-metre tall temple in Bhaktapur, which has strangely survived at least four major earthquakes, including the April 2015 Nepal earthquake.[127

And we can't keep decent roads for more than 5 years.??

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  
Happy Birthday to Henry and LJ!!

Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019 Friday#Havefaith#yourchldsbirthday#Toleration#computer7.23%!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 8  "Daughter your faith has made you well; go in peace."  A woman that had been bleeding for 12 years,  knew if she could only touch the hem of his clothes she would be healed and she was.  It was not his clothes that had power but her faith.  Have faith today that he can heal you from whatever problems you have, health or otherwise.  Have faith.

On this day
1990  It was Nicole's 5th birthday and the party would be on Saturday the next day.  There was always a party.  But on this day, after preschool I took her to McDonald's for lunch and then went home to prepare for the party.  I remember that her dad was putting up a swing set in the play yard.  We stayed in the house so Nicole didn't hear that language on her birthday, lol.  Gone were the Little Tyke slide, sandbox and toddler toys.  Mothers always have a party in their heart on the birthdays of their children - it might be more meaningful to us, then them.

1689 - The English Parliament passed Act of Toleration, protecting Protestants. Roman Catholics were specifically excluded from exemption. I read the explanation and am still not sure.

As of 2007, the state operates two television stations as well as national and regional radio stations. There are roughly 30 independent TV channels registered, with only about half in regular operation. Nearly 400 FM radio stations are licensed with roughly 300 operational.[118] According to the 2011 census, the percentage of households possessing radio was 50.82%, television 36.45%, cable TV 19.33%, computer 7.23%.[8] According to the Press Council Nepal, as of 2012 there are 2,038 registered newspapers in Nepal, among which 514 are in publication.[124] In 2013, Reporters Without Bordersranked Nepal at 118th place in the world in terms of press freedom.[125][126]
Look at those numbers!  Imagine!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole! and Linda!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 23, 2019 Thursday#demonsout!#Overworked#Pirates#isolated

Get Faith
Luke chapter 8  "Then people came out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.  And they were afraid..."  This man had had a lot of demons - legion tells you how many.  Who then has power over the demons of hell?  The demons were afraid of him because they did not want to come out of the man and go out into the abyss, is what it says.  We can all use some demons driven out or away from us.  Now you know who you can go to for this service.

On this day
1989  This was a busy day.  I dropped Nicole off at Co-op and went to Toys r Us for her birthday gifts.  Went back to church and worked on Sunday School and Outreach stuff till Nicole got out of pre-school.  We went to McDonalds for lunch and stopped over to to see Grandpa at the boat store.  I picked up labels for Sandy and George to mail out the invitations to their wedding party at my house.  Marty took Nicole and I to the Wishing Well for dinner.  When we got home Jan brought over a new mattress for Nicole's bed, a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa.  After I read to Nicole and gave her a  bath I cleaned house and did laundry.  Oh for one drop of that energy!!  Mom's do a lot more than people realize, and if you work and have a healthy social life, well you see what happens ^

1701 - In London, Captain William Kidd was hanged after being convicted of murder and piracy. RRRRR



Means of transport in mountainous area
Nepal remains isolated from the world's major land, air and sea transport routes although, within the country, aviation is in a better state, with 47 airports, 11 of them with paved runways;[118] flights are frequent and support a sizeable traffic. The hilly and mountainous terrain in the northern two-thirds of the country has made the building of roads and other infrastructure difficult and expensive. In 2007 there were just over 10,142 km (6,302 mi) of paved roads, and 7,140 km (4,437 mi) of unpaved road, and one 59 km (37 mi) railway line in the south.[118]
More than one-third of its people live at least a two hours walk from the nearest all-season road. Only recently all district headquarters (except for Simikot and Dunai) became reachable by road from Kathmandu. In addition, around 60% of the road network and most rural roads are not operable during the rainy season.[119] The only practical seaport of entry for goods bound for Kathmandu is Kolkata in West Bengal state of India. Internally, the poor state of development of the road system makes access to markets, schools, and health clinics a challenge.[111]   Hard for us to imagine!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22, 2019#Bethelight#Poolandbike#Atlas#Energy!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 8  "(Jesus said)  "No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light."   So as a Christian I am to turn on that light for those who live in the dark, in the depression, confusion and helplessness that people who do not know God, live in.  We want to light up the world with kindness, love, equality, justice, and understanding.  Our God wants us to be happy living the life he designed - not the life that this world has corrupted for God's people.  He never meant for you to be sad.

On this day
1988  To keep in the same idea as above - I had the Sunday School kids sing This Little Light of Mine on the altar.  It is ingrained in me now.  Later that day we had a birthday party in the yard for Nicole's 3rd birthday - it was a circus theme and the entire neighborhood showed up, we never needed to send invites.  Of course the entire family was there as well.  And gifts!  lots of gifts - a sandbox, swim pool and a 2 wheeler bicycle, a Mrs Potato head game and dolls.  Only the pool and the bike saw a lot of action, that I remember.  Was this the day Nicole?

1570 - Abraham Ortelius published the first modern atlas in Belgium.  Thanks Abe!  Love an atlas!



Middle Marshyandi Hydroelectricity Dam. Nepal has significant potential to generate hydropower, which it plans to export across South Asia
The bulk of the energy in Nepal comes from fuel wood (68%), agricultural waste (15%), animal dung (8%), and imported fossil fuels (8%).[114][115] Except for some lignite deposits, Nepal has no known oil, gas or coal deposits. All commercial fossil fuels (mainly oil and coal) are either imported from India or from international markets routed through India and China. Fuel imports absorb over one-fourth of Nepal's foreign exchange earnings.[115]
Only about 1% energy need is fulfilled by electricity. The perennial nature of Nepali rivers and the steep gradient of the country's topography provide ideal conditions for the development of some of the world's largest hydroelectric projects. Current estimates put Nepal's economically feasible hydropower potential to be approximately 83,000 MW from 66 hydropower project sites.[115][116] However, currently Nepal has been able to exploit only about 600 MW from 20 medium to large hydropower plants and a number of small and micro hydropower plants.[114] There are 9 major hydropower plants under construction, and additional 27 sites considered for potential development.[114] Only about 40% of Nepal's population has access to electricity.[114] There is a great disparity between urban and rural areas. The electrification rate in urban areas is 90%, whereas the rate for rural areas is only 5%.[115] The peak electricity demand is almost the double the capability or dependable capacity in winter season.[117] The position of the power sector remains unsatisfactory because of high tariffs, high system losses, high generation costs, high overheads, over staffing, and lower domestic demand.[115    I cannot imagine in my world only 40 % of the people have  electricity!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21, 2019 Tuesday #Spirit#Naptime#Reformation#EconomyExports

Get Faith
John chapter 14 "If you love me, you will keep my commandments.  And I will ask the Father, and he give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.  This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you."   The Spirit of truth is received at the time of baptism.  The Spirit entered the people at Pentecost and the people were empowered to speak languages so that they could share the word of the Gospels with Gods people.  They went out and told the story of Jesus the Christ and the world became aware of God's gracious gift to his people.  We are one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and live our lives in his grace.  Thank you God.

On this day
1987  My journal says in big letters   NO NAP.  That meant my 2 year old never gave me a moments rest.  Later in the day my Mom came over and I got out to the drug store (doesn't say what for - don't judge me) and Nicole went to bed early.  Whew.  My niece Lindsey, husband Scott and Hudson - their 2 year old came over for dinner on Sunday to celebrate Nicole's birthday.  Hudson had not had a nap and he was fine but Mom needed a nap - she needed his nap.  If you know someone who has a child and the mom could use a hand - be an angel of mercy and give them a break.  Just an hour or so will do once in a while.

 1536 - The Reformation was officially adopted in Geneva, Switzerland. Yea! Luther!



A proportional representation of Nepal's exports.
The Mountain Museum in Pokhara, the country's second largest city and a hub of tourism in Nepal
Terraced rice farming in Nepal

Agriculture employs 76% of the workforce, services 18% and manufacturing and craft-based industry 6%. Agricultural produce – mostly grown in the Terai region bordering India – includes tea, rice, corn, wheat, sugarcane, root crops, milk, and water buffalo meat. Industry mainly involves the processing of agricultural produce, including jute, sugarcane, tobacco, and grain. Its workforce of about 10 million suffers from a severe shortage of skilled labour.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!
Happy Birthday to Sandy E and Justin D!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18, 2019 Saturday#Thisgeneration#Examples#RhodeIsland#Relations&military!

Get Faith
Luke  chapter 7  "(The Lord said,) "To what then will I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like?  They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another,...."  He goes on to repeat what sounds like whining to me.  Are we the same as that generation?  Calling out to each other our opinions in response to their opinions?  Complaining about the reaction and asking for understanding and response?  Things haven't changed too much.  We will never all agree on anything, especially without God in our life, and even then we can't agree.  There is apparently no middle ground on this earth.

On this day
1986  It was a Sunday and Nicole and I (she was one) went to church.  Mark took Aaron to the marina with him.  Mark worked 7 days a week, just like his dad and I'm thinking Aaron is the same.  Nicole followed my path and attends church most Sundays, but spends a lot of time in church anyway.  My brothers girls also followed paths - Merri followed her mom and dad into the police department and Lindsey went into banking like her step mother Alice.  My Mom stayed home with us kids till my dad died - Andy was 18, I was 13 and Mark was 3.  She went to work and managed home life and children as did I when Mark moved to Florida and we divorced.  You have no idea how strong your behavior reflects on your children - not what you tell them but what you do. 

1652 - In Rhode Island, a law was passed that made slavery illegal in North America. It was the first law of its kind. good for you Rhode Island!!!!!


Foreign relations and military

Gurkha Memorial, London
Nepal has close ties with both of its neighbours, India and China. In accordance with a long-standing treaty, Indian and Nepali citizens may travel to each other's countries without a passport or visa. Nepali citizens may work in India without legal restriction. The Indian Army maintains seven Gorkha regiments consisting of Gorkha troops recruited mostly from Nepal.
However, in the years since the Government of Nepal has been communized and dominated by socialists, and India's government has been controlled by more right-wing parties, India has been remilitarizing the "porous" Indo-Nepali border to stifle the flow of Islamist groups.[90]
Nepal established relations with the People's Republic of China on 1 August 1955, and relations since have been based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Nepal has aided China in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and China has provided economic assistance for Nepali infrastructure. Both countries have cooperated to host the 2008 Summer Olympics summit of Mt. Everest.[91] Nepal has assisted in curbing anti-China protests from the Tibetan diaspora.[92]
Nepal's military consists of the Nepali Army, which includes the Nepali Army Air Service. The Nepali Police Force is the civilian police and the Armed Police Force Nepal[93] is the paramilitary force. Service is voluntary and the minimum age for enlistment is 18 years. Nepal spends $99.2 million (2004) on its military—1.5% of its GDP. Much of the equipment and arms are imported from India. Consequently, the US provided M16s, M4s, and other Colt weapons to combat communist (Maoist) insurgents. The standard-issue battle rifle of the Nepali army is the Colt M16.[94]
In the new regulations by Nepali Armyfemale soldiers have been barred from participating in combat situations and fighting in the frontlines of war. However, they are allowed to be a part of the army in sections like intelligence, headquarters, signals, and operations.[95]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Judy and Don!!

Friday, May 17, 2019

May 17, 2019 Friday #BetterwithJesus#Waitimg#Secularstate

Get Faith
Luke chapter 7  "....He went to a town called Nain.... A man who had died was being carried out.  He was his mother's only son, and she was a widow...When the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep."  He raised the man from the dead.  It wasn't a magic trick - God has power over life and death and Jesus, being the Son of God on earth at this time knew how hard this woman's life would be without her son.  Our God knows our trouble and cares what happens to us, just know that when times are bad - Jesus will heal your pain and remind you that your life is always better with Him.

On this day
1985  Waiting is what this day started out with.  Nicole was due on the 12th and didn't arrive till the 24th - so I was waiting - not patiently.  I was of course not feeling great and my sweet Mother in law brought strawberry's and bread from Salvaggio's.  I was cleaning the house, trying to pass the time.  Mark brought home pizza - it says he ate it, so I'm guessing I couldn't.  Waiting and worth the wait!

1985 - Bobby Ewing died on the season finale of "Dallas" on CBS-TV. He returned the following season. wow!  much like our faith story lol only magic of TV.

Following the carnage, King Birendra's brother Gyanendra inherited the throne. On 1 February 2005, King Gyanendra dismissed the entire government and assumed full executive powers to quash the violent Maoist movement,[46] but this initiative was unsuccessful because a stalemate had developed in which the Maoists were firmly entrenched in large expanses of countryside but could not yet dislodge the military from numerous towns and the largest cities. In September 2005, the Maoists declared a three-month unilateral ceasefire to negotiate.
In response to the 2006 democracy movement, King Gyanendra agreed to relinquish sovereign power to the people. On 24 April 2006 the dissolved House of Representatives was reinstated. Using its newly acquired sovereign authority, on 18 May 2006 the House of Representatives unanimously voted to curtail the power of the king and declared Nepal a secular state, ending its time-honoured official status as a Hindu Kingdom. On 28 December 2007, a bill was passed in parliament to amend Article 159 of the constitution – replacing "Provisions regarding the King" by "Provisions of the Head of the State" – declaring Nepal a federal republic, and thereby abolishing the monarchy.[48] The bill came into force on 28 May 2008.[49]    

enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Suzanne!