Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18, 2019 Saturday#Thisgeneration#Examples#RhodeIsland#Relations&military!

Get Faith
Luke  chapter 7  "(The Lord said,) "To what then will I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like?  They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another,...."  He goes on to repeat what sounds like whining to me.  Are we the same as that generation?  Calling out to each other our opinions in response to their opinions?  Complaining about the reaction and asking for understanding and response?  Things haven't changed too much.  We will never all agree on anything, especially without God in our life, and even then we can't agree.  There is apparently no middle ground on this earth.

On this day
1986  It was a Sunday and Nicole and I (she was one) went to church.  Mark took Aaron to the marina with him.  Mark worked 7 days a week, just like his dad and I'm thinking Aaron is the same.  Nicole followed my path and attends church most Sundays, but spends a lot of time in church anyway.  My brothers girls also followed paths - Merri followed her mom and dad into the police department and Lindsey went into banking like her step mother Alice.  My Mom stayed home with us kids till my dad died - Andy was 18, I was 13 and Mark was 3.  She went to work and managed home life and children as did I when Mark moved to Florida and we divorced.  You have no idea how strong your behavior reflects on your children - not what you tell them but what you do. 

1652 - In Rhode Island, a law was passed that made slavery illegal in North America. It was the first law of its kind. good for you Rhode Island!!!!!


Foreign relations and military

Gurkha Memorial, London
Nepal has close ties with both of its neighbours, India and China. In accordance with a long-standing treaty, Indian and Nepali citizens may travel to each other's countries without a passport or visa. Nepali citizens may work in India without legal restriction. The Indian Army maintains seven Gorkha regiments consisting of Gorkha troops recruited mostly from Nepal.
However, in the years since the Government of Nepal has been communized and dominated by socialists, and India's government has been controlled by more right-wing parties, India has been remilitarizing the "porous" Indo-Nepali border to stifle the flow of Islamist groups.[90]
Nepal established relations with the People's Republic of China on 1 August 1955, and relations since have been based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Nepal has aided China in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and China has provided economic assistance for Nepali infrastructure. Both countries have cooperated to host the 2008 Summer Olympics summit of Mt. Everest.[91] Nepal has assisted in curbing anti-China protests from the Tibetan diaspora.[92]
Nepal's military consists of the Nepali Army, which includes the Nepali Army Air Service. The Nepali Police Force is the civilian police and the Armed Police Force Nepal[93] is the paramilitary force. Service is voluntary and the minimum age for enlistment is 18 years. Nepal spends $99.2 million (2004) on its military—1.5% of its GDP. Much of the equipment and arms are imported from India. Consequently, the US provided M16s, M4s, and other Colt weapons to combat communist (Maoist) insurgents. The standard-issue battle rifle of the Nepali army is the Colt M16.[94]
In the new regulations by Nepali Armyfemale soldiers have been barred from participating in combat situations and fighting in the frontlines of war. However, they are allowed to be a part of the army in sections like intelligence, headquarters, signals, and operations.[95]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Judy and Don!!

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