Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019 Friday#Havefaith#yourchldsbirthday#Toleration#computer7.23%!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 8  "Daughter your faith has made you well; go in peace."  A woman that had been bleeding for 12 years,  knew if she could only touch the hem of his clothes she would be healed and she was.  It was not his clothes that had power but her faith.  Have faith today that he can heal you from whatever problems you have, health or otherwise.  Have faith.

On this day
1990  It was Nicole's 5th birthday and the party would be on Saturday the next day.  There was always a party.  But on this day, after preschool I took her to McDonald's for lunch and then went home to prepare for the party.  I remember that her dad was putting up a swing set in the play yard.  We stayed in the house so Nicole didn't hear that language on her birthday, lol.  Gone were the Little Tyke slide, sandbox and toddler toys.  Mothers always have a party in their heart on the birthdays of their children - it might be more meaningful to us, then them.

1689 - The English Parliament passed Act of Toleration, protecting Protestants. Roman Catholics were specifically excluded from exemption. I read the explanation and am still not sure.

As of 2007, the state operates two television stations as well as national and regional radio stations. There are roughly 30 independent TV channels registered, with only about half in regular operation. Nearly 400 FM radio stations are licensed with roughly 300 operational.[118] According to the 2011 census, the percentage of households possessing radio was 50.82%, television 36.45%, cable TV 19.33%, computer 7.23%.[8] According to the Press Council Nepal, as of 2012 there are 2,038 registered newspapers in Nepal, among which 514 are in publication.[124] In 2013, Reporters Without Bordersranked Nepal at 118th place in the world in terms of press freedom.[125][126]
Look at those numbers!  Imagine!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole! and Linda!

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