Friday, May 17, 2019

May 17, 2019 Friday #BetterwithJesus#Waitimg#Secularstate

Get Faith
Luke chapter 7  "....He went to a town called Nain.... A man who had died was being carried out.  He was his mother's only son, and she was a widow...When the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep."  He raised the man from the dead.  It wasn't a magic trick - God has power over life and death and Jesus, being the Son of God on earth at this time knew how hard this woman's life would be without her son.  Our God knows our trouble and cares what happens to us, just know that when times are bad - Jesus will heal your pain and remind you that your life is always better with Him.

On this day
1985  Waiting is what this day started out with.  Nicole was due on the 12th and didn't arrive till the 24th - so I was waiting - not patiently.  I was of course not feeling great and my sweet Mother in law brought strawberry's and bread from Salvaggio's.  I was cleaning the house, trying to pass the time.  Mark brought home pizza - it says he ate it, so I'm guessing I couldn't.  Waiting and worth the wait!

1985 - Bobby Ewing died on the season finale of "Dallas" on CBS-TV. He returned the following season. wow!  much like our faith story lol only magic of TV.

Following the carnage, King Birendra's brother Gyanendra inherited the throne. On 1 February 2005, King Gyanendra dismissed the entire government and assumed full executive powers to quash the violent Maoist movement,[46] but this initiative was unsuccessful because a stalemate had developed in which the Maoists were firmly entrenched in large expanses of countryside but could not yet dislodge the military from numerous towns and the largest cities. In September 2005, the Maoists declared a three-month unilateral ceasefire to negotiate.
In response to the 2006 democracy movement, King Gyanendra agreed to relinquish sovereign power to the people. On 24 April 2006 the dissolved House of Representatives was reinstated. Using its newly acquired sovereign authority, on 18 May 2006 the House of Representatives unanimously voted to curtail the power of the king and declared Nepal a secular state, ending its time-honoured official status as a Hindu Kingdom. On 28 December 2007, a bill was passed in parliament to amend Article 159 of the constitution – replacing "Provisions regarding the King" by "Provisions of the Head of the State" – declaring Nepal a federal republic, and thereby abolishing the monarchy.[48] The bill came into force on 28 May 2008.[49]    

enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Suzanne!

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