Monday, May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019 Monday#ThankHim#Grandpa#Statistics

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9  "He said to them, "But who do you say that I am"  Peter answered, "The Messiah of God""  Many people were confused, they knew He was important, someone they needed to know and listen to but, they didn't know He was the Messiah - only Peter.  Today, still many people do not realize that he is the Messiah, that he came to earth to teach, pray, die and save you from the heavy weight of the law, that none could handle.  He came with the best message from God - to repent and be saved by the grace of God, through His Son Jesus the Christ.  Think about it today, and about all those who went before us to the grave, through war because we can't get along.  Thank Him and praise His Holy Name.

On this day
1998  Nicole and I went to school and work and Mom dropped her off at my work after so we could go to Grandma and Grandpa McCarthy's for his birthday.  I signed the papers for my and the kids airline tickets, for us to fly back from Florida after we helped them move down there in a few weeks.  So on this day we helped them pack up what was left in their home here.  He had just had a heart attack and Ma was super depressed about having to move out of the home she loved.  It was not a happy birthday, but we spent it together.  That's what family does.

1998 - Charlie Sheen was admitted to a hospital in Los Angeles for a drug overdose. 

1998 - Michael Fortier was sentenced to 12 years in prison for not warning anyone about the plot to bomb an Oklahoma City federal building. 
Bad choices on both of their parts.

Population Structure
Population26,494,504 (2011)
Growth rate1.35%
Population below 14 Years old34.19%
Population of age 15 to 5954.15%
Population above 608.13%
Median age (average)20.07
Median age (male)19.91
Median age (females)20.24
Ratio (male:female)100:94.16
Life expectancy (average) (reference:[155])66.16 Years
Life expectancy (male)64.94
Life expectancy (female)67.44
Literacy rate (average)65.9%
Literacy rate (male)75.1%
Literacy rate (female)57.4%
  I found this interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Grandpa, Dolly, Pierre and Claire!

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