Friday, May 3, 2019

May 3, 2019 Friday #Baptized#newspaper#Beautifulcountry!!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 3  John said "I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I an not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire"  Most of the people I know have baptized their children in the church.  That small act  not baptizing your children. can separate people from family and friends. To me (without trying to sound judgmental)if you don't it is keeping your child from the one thing in life that might truly make a difference.  But in fact, if the parents can't take the child to church and stand at the font and declare their own belief the child has little chance of being in the faith.  Baptism introduces the Holy Spirit to us and Christ sent the Advocate (the Holy Spirit)  to remain here in this world with us.  I hope that the Holy Spirit reaches all of the unbelievers and instills in them belief and faith in our God.  Pray with me.

On this day
2014  I am a hugely routine person.  Exercised, coffee, paper, shower and breakfast were standard daily routines and then to the computer - email, Facebook, and blog.  I don't  honestly know how I ever had time to work.  Most of that stuff is still in my daily routine except the paper.  I decided that i didn't need the newspaper anymore, but I really miss doing that crossword.  It was hard enough to make me think and easy enough for me to accomplish the whole thing most days and feel good about myself.  I have crossword books but instead went to words with friends on my phone.  At least I'm not too old to change.  Later that day Nicole and I went to the Mall and then Don came over and we went to the Cornell's for the travelers meeting, we were in Belize.  More of the same, but different. 

1859 - France declared war on Austria. To me that is like Michigan declaring war on Ohio.

Chandragiri Nepal


Chandragiri hill is one of the four passes of Kathmandu, and so is connected with the unification of Nepal by Prithvi Narayan Shah. Before the Tribhuvan Highway was built, travelers used the historic trade route passing through KulekhaniChitlang, Chandragiri Pass and Thankot. King Ranajit Malla of Bhaktapur was so distressed that he was driven to compose a lament filled with regret at having trusted the Gorkhali king. According to eyewitnesses, Malla wept uncontrollably when he paused at the hilltop of Chandragiri on the valley rim for one last look at his former kingdom. From Chandragiri, the route descends south and exits the valley to continue on to India.  Beautiful country!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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