Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 23, 2019 Thursday#demonsout!#Overworked#Pirates#isolated

Get Faith
Luke chapter 8  "Then people came out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.  And they were afraid..."  This man had had a lot of demons - legion tells you how many.  Who then has power over the demons of hell?  The demons were afraid of him because they did not want to come out of the man and go out into the abyss, is what it says.  We can all use some demons driven out or away from us.  Now you know who you can go to for this service.

On this day
1989  This was a busy day.  I dropped Nicole off at Co-op and went to Toys r Us for her birthday gifts.  Went back to church and worked on Sunday School and Outreach stuff till Nicole got out of pre-school.  We went to McDonalds for lunch and stopped over to to see Grandpa at the boat store.  I picked up labels for Sandy and George to mail out the invitations to their wedding party at my house.  Marty took Nicole and I to the Wishing Well for dinner.  When we got home Jan brought over a new mattress for Nicole's bed, a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa.  After I read to Nicole and gave her a  bath I cleaned house and did laundry.  Oh for one drop of that energy!!  Mom's do a lot more than people realize, and if you work and have a healthy social life, well you see what happens ^

1701 - In London, Captain William Kidd was hanged after being convicted of murder and piracy. RRRRR



Means of transport in mountainous area
Nepal remains isolated from the world's major land, air and sea transport routes although, within the country, aviation is in a better state, with 47 airports, 11 of them with paved runways;[118] flights are frequent and support a sizeable traffic. The hilly and mountainous terrain in the northern two-thirds of the country has made the building of roads and other infrastructure difficult and expensive. In 2007 there were just over 10,142 km (6,302 mi) of paved roads, and 7,140 km (4,437 mi) of unpaved road, and one 59 km (37 mi) railway line in the south.[118]
More than one-third of its people live at least a two hours walk from the nearest all-season road. Only recently all district headquarters (except for Simikot and Dunai) became reachable by road from Kathmandu. In addition, around 60% of the road network and most rural roads are not operable during the rainy season.[119] The only practical seaport of entry for goods bound for Kathmandu is Kolkata in West Bengal state of India. Internally, the poor state of development of the road system makes access to markets, schools, and health clinics a challenge.[111]   Hard for us to imagine!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!

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