Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019 Wednesday #Whatmeworry?#Holidaymemories#Fiijians.HolidaysinNepal

Get Fit
Luke chapter 12  "He said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear........And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?""    Who doesn't worry?  We worry about money and what we will wear etc.  At this point in my life, I like to look nice - it makes people acknowledge you in a nicer way, right?  I, being alone, have to worry about the next step in my life and I am taking measures to provide for myself so that I can have a comfortable life, where I like to be and what I can afford.  AND I thank God everyday for what I do have and have had.  Now let's talk about our health.  lol.

On this day
2000  It was Memorial day and after I cut the lawn, Mom, Jan and Jamie came over to have a BBQ with us.  I cooked ribs.  Jamie and Nicole had always set off the somewhat mild firecrackers and I'm sure they did this day as well.  I have had 72 Memorial days and I bet they have all been just a bit different.  I hope you enjoyed yours this past Monday!

2000 - Fiji's military took control of the nation and declared martial law following a coup attempt by indigenous Fijians in mid-May. Another story of the original people being held in check in their own country.


Holidays and festivals

With 15 days a year, Nepal is the country that enjoys the least number of public holidays in the world.[183] The Nepali year begins in 1st of Baisakh in official Hindu Calendar of the country, the Bikram Sambat, which falls in mid-April and is divided into 12 months. Saturday is the official weekly holiday. Main annual holidays include the Martyr's Day (18 February), and a mix of Hindu and Buddhist festivals such as Dashain in autumn, Tihar in mid-autumn and Chhath in late autumn. During Swanti, the Newars perform the Mha Puja ceremony to celebrate New Year's Day of the lunar calendar Nepal Sambat. Being a Secular country Nepal has holiday on main festivals of minority religions in the nation too.[161]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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