Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 8, 2019 Wednesday#Prayforhealing#Rappers#Burymyheart#protectedbyNe

Get Faith
Luke chapter 4  "As the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various kinds of diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on each of them and cured them."  Oh how I would love to be with him to give him  those around me that need healing.  I pray everyday for my family and friends because I  know we can still lift them all up in prayer.  Do you get comfort from taking your prayers to Him?  I hope so.  Believe! God answers prayers, and still through Jesus our prayers are heard in heaven.  Take advantage of this - it works.

On this day
1973  It was busy at work.  J.L. Hudson was our biggest account and they were implementing a new system which explains why Chris and I went to Northland, Eastland and Oakland Malls to work with the sales help.  When I got home Bob Dery, my friend Judy's brother came over.  We were dating while he was visiting Detroit.  He had lost his wife to suicide while they lived in New York. She was bi-polar, back when they didn't do enough to help these people.  Bob was very depressed about it.  It says in my journal that we sat and rapped.  Now that is an all together different term then when it means now.  No, Bob and I were not early rappers of that type.

1973 - Militant American Indians who had held the South Dakota hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrendered. Wow, this is when most of America read the book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." a book released in 1970.  If you are interested it is a great, but sad story.



Local legends have it that a Hindu sage named "Ne" established himself in the valley of Kathmandu in prehistoric times, and that the word "Nepal" came into existence as the place was protected ("pala" in Pali) by the sage "Nemi". It is mentioned in Vedic texts that this region was called Nepal centuries ago. According to the Skanda Purana, a rishi called "Nemi" used to live in the Himalayas.[23] In the Pashupati Purana, he is mentioned as a saint and a protector.[24] He is said to have practiced meditation at the Bagmati and Kesavati rivers[25] and to have taught there.[26]
The name of the country is also identical in origin to the name of the Newar people. The terms "Nepāl", "Newār", "Newāl" and "Nepār" are phonetically different forms of the same word, and instances of the various forms appear in texts in different times in history. Nepal is the learned Sanskrit form and Newar is the colloquial Prakrit form.[27] A Sanskrit inscription dated 512 CE found in Tistung, a valley to the west of Kathmandu, contains the phrase "greetings to the Nepals" indicating that the term "Nepal" was used to refer to both the country and the people.[28][29]
It has been suggested that "Nepal" may be a Sanskritization of "Newar", or "Newar" may be a later form of "Nepal".[30] According to another explanation, the words "Newar" and "Newari" are vulgarisms arising from the mutation of P to V, and L to R.[31]
I think I have found most countries are named for the originator of the country or discoverer.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Gerry and Anna!

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