Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 2, 2019 Thursday#ServeGod#goodmemories#GeneralLLouverterure#magnificentview!

Get Faith
Luke chapter 3  "Even now the axe is lying at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."  If you are not serving God, you many miss an opportunity to teach or show someone that Christ came to save them.  You will miss the chance to tell them they are loved by God so that they can be saved to eternal life.  Think about snatching someone from  a sinkhole so that they can live a good life and love God and their neighbor.  This world will benefit greatly and you will bear good fruit.

On this day
2013  Just a quiet day with Mom.  We went to Achatz for lunch and then drove up to Rox and Bills for the garage sale.  I look back at those days, so relaxing and nice to remember.

1798 - The black General Toussaint L’ouverture forced British troops to agree to evacuate the port of Santo Domingo.Rest in Power Toussaint L’Ouverture: Saluting Haiti’s ... Thought you might like to see this General!

Chandragiri Nepal
Chandragiri Hills is a great destination, offering the most exotic site for a day trip. If you are seeking an escape from the busy city life, then Chandragiri Hills is the perfect place to be. The place offers a pleasant experience with a pinch of thrill as seasoning. Natural beauty, cultural significance and electrifying experiences sum up the beauty of Chandragiri Hills. This is the place where endless cover of grassland curls over the hills, and the spectacular view of the Kathmandu valley take your breath away.
Looks like a great place to spend the day!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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