Thursday, May 9, 2019

May 9, 2019 Thursday #Catchpeople#buywise#11,000years

Get Faith
Luke chapter 5  "Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people."  When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him."  It is a lot easier to catch fish than to catch people.  Sharing the Gospel is not easy when people are so much more caught up with what is shiny and in front of them on this earth.  Like a child in a bouncy seat grabbing for the toys - we only see what is in front of our human eyes.  The real gift, prize or fortune is in the next world, you only need to believe.  You are only condemned by your un belief, it is the only thing between you and eternal life.

On this day
1976  I still  lived in my little house in Birmingham - the little house with the huge yard.  It was on the corner of Bowers and Eton and not recognizable as my  house anymore.  But then the yard must have been 300 ft deep and counting the boulevard which was another lot like my own.  I was not thinking when I bought that place.  On this day I cut the back yard which was probably 200 by 40 wide.  I wasn't good about keeping it up either so I'm sure it was a lot to deal with.  (Notice the pun).I also took my car for an oil change and went to the grocery store.  Now that alone would put me home for the night now, but I went to Pat and Pam's that night and watched TV.  Oh to be 29 again.  My advice here to you is do not buy a corner lot (too much lawn cutting and too much snow shoveling)  and get a house with the garage in the front. (Short driveway to shovel.)  Just sayin.

1502 - Christopher Columbus left Spain for his final trip to the Western Hemisphere. In case you wanted to know.

Neolithic tools found in the Kathmandu Valley indicate that people have been living in the Himalayan region for at least eleven thousand years.[32]
Kathmandu Valley krish.jpgThat is amazing.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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