Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May 14, 2019 Tuesday#Disciples/apostles#Partytime#morehistoryNepal

Get Faith
Luke chapter 6 "And when day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles.."   Pastor was talking about this in our last Bible Study.  Disciples are those who follow Jesus and an apostle is one who is sent out in His name to share the good news.  He also said that the disciples were not necessarily apostles but that the apostles were always disciples.  Let that sink in.  Be an apostle today.

On this day
1983  This was a busy year.  Andy and Alice, and Ty and Norma lived here with me.  It was a time of boat racing and partying.  Pretty much what Andy needed coming out of his marriage.  We included the girls when Andy got them.  This day was so warm and Julie came over and we layed in the sun on the new deck that Andy had built and bbq'd chicken later.  Those were the days my friends.

1264 - King Henry III was captured by his brother in law Simon deMontfort at the Battle of Lewes in France. Gotta love family

Legalized slavery was abolished in Nepal in 1924.[42] Nevertheless, an estimated 234,600 people are enslaved in modern-day Nepal, or 0.82% of the population.[43] Debt bondage even involving debtors' children has been a persistent social problem in the Terai. Rana rule was marked by tyranny, debauchery, economic exploitation and religious persecution.[44][45]
In the late 1940s, newly emerging pro-democracy movements and political parties in Nepal were critical of the Rana autocracy. Meanwhile, with the invasion of Tibet by China in the 1950s, India sought to counterbalance the perceived military threat from its northern neighbour by taking pre-emptive steps to assert more influence in Nepal. India sponsored both King Tribhuvan (ruled 1911–55) as Nepal's new ruler in 1951 and a new government, mostly comprising the Nepali Congress, thus terminating Rana hegemony in the kingdom.[41]
After years of power wrangling between the king and the government, King Mahendra (ruled 1955–72) scrapped the democratic experiment in 1959, and a "partyless" Panchayat system was made to govern Nepal until 1989, when the "Jan Andolan" (People's Movement) forced King Birendra (ruled 1972–2001) to accept constitutional reforms and to establish a multiparty parliament that took seat in May 1991.[46] In 1991–92, Bhutan expelled roughly 100,000 Bhutanese citizens of Nepali descent, most of whom have been living in seven refugee camps in eastern Nepal ever since.[47]
In 1996, the Communist Party of Nepal started a violent bid to replace the royal parliamentary system with a people's republic. This led to the long Nepali Civil War and more than 12,000 deaths.
A little more history!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Kyle and Janet!

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