Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April 30, 2019 Tuesday#Christian#Badtiming#YementoNepal

Get Faith
John chapter 17  "I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world."  It isn't easy being a Christian.  Once you have heard, and I mean really heard the Word of God, you are changed.  This world is like a bus stop with interesting places to go and interesting people to see - but it isn't home.  My favorite thing is when someone looks at me, smiles and says "Oh you are a Christian".  The first thing I do is to look down and see if my cross is there and that is why they say that - but the real joy is when it is because of something I have said or the way I responded that labeled me a Christian.  What a great label.  Praise be to God.

On this day
2011  This was the beginning of a very stressful year.  I had pain in my lower abdomen and for a week thought it was gas - etc.  But I finally left work one day, dropped a bid off at the city and went to the doctor.  He got all upset and said - you gotta go to the hospital, call someone.  I said I had been at work and was fine to drive myself to the hospital.  So I did.  They kept me a week, with an inflammation in my colon that was infected.  They wanted to do surgery but I said I would lose my job if I took that much time off work.  (When you work for a construction company, the summer is the busy time.)  So they put me on antibiotics and sent me home.  It was the first of 4 weeks I spent in the hospital that year.  But I didn't loose my job!

1250 - King Louis IX of France was ransomed for one million dollars. What are you worth?

From Yemen to Chandragiri Nepal
As you can see Yemen and Nepal look close on this map.  In todays world we can fly but back in the day I think it would have been a treacherous road to travel.  Across the Arabian Sea to India would seem to be the best choice.  I would guess the pirates of Somalia would be a challenge.  India might be a nice place to travel and sightsee.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Adam!!

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