Saturday, May 4, 2019

May 4, 2019 Saturday# OpportuneTime#Torontow/Chris#alexIV#KingPrithiviNarayan

Get Faith
Luke  chapter 4  "When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time."  This was after Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tested by the devil.  That in it self is a great study theme but I looked at that last sentence with concern.  Until an opportune time?  What does that mean?  We know he is very active in this world, you don't have to look far.  The wars, the opiod crises, the heroin crisis, human trafficking and wait!   there is more!  Are these the opportune times he was speaking of?  We are fodder for Satan, we open doors by not keeping the faith so that our armor is strong.  Pray to Jesus to teach us to fight the devil where he lives, here on earth.

On  this day
2015  I spent the day tying up loose ends because I was going to Toronto with Christine for a few days.  I was really excited to be going on this road trip with her like the ones we had done in the 70's.  Her family lived there and she needed to go to help out her brother George.  My Mom was in St Mary's at this time, in a wheelchair so I couldn't take her home.  Nicole was home to take care of the cat - so I had to get groceries in, take care of the banking and get an adjustment from Dr Bender because I had hurt my back doing yard work. (Not hard to do).  I packed up my clothes so I would be already to take off in the morning to meet up with my old buddy in Port Huron to head up the 101!  A lot of work to taking any vacation but always worth it!

1493 - Alexander VI divided non-Christian world between Spain and Portugal. I could spend a lifetime reading these stories - I wonder how this ties in with Columbus coming to America and the Pilgrims leaving Europe.


Statue of the Great King Prithivi Narayan Shah
Panoramic view Bhaleswor Mahadev
Temple of Bhaleswor Mahadev
The Bhaleshwar Mahadev temple of Lord Shiva is on top of the hill. Legend says that King Prithivi Narayan Shah worshipped in the temple before conquering the valley during his unification campaign.

These look like great places to visit today. I wonder if this guy had relatives in Scotland?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Evelyn

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