Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July 10, 2019 Wednesday #Rejected#WaynetteinScotland#

Get Faith
Acts  chapter 13  "Thus the word of the Lord spread throughout the region.  But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing and the leading men of the city, and stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and drove them out of their region.  So they shook the dust off their feet in protest against them, and went to Iconium.  And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit."  Those poor Jews, they turned from God so many times and now the promised Messiah came and they rejected him and those who came with the good news to save them.  Stiff necked people I believe God called them.  I feel bad - I want them to have the promise God told them about.

On this day
2003  I was with Waynette in Scotland - we were in Edinburgh and of course toured the castle and the city by bus and then were free to be on our own the rest of the day.  Waynette wanted to walk to the registry and then we shopped, went to the Park to see the floral clock.  We met up with Tim and Diana and had lunch with them at Hard Rock and I bought a t shirt for Nicole.  I think they were from California.  We went back to the room and cleaned up and then had drinks with Ray & Carmel, and Laurie.  We found an internet cafe on what seemed an alley to me and then went to EST EST EST for dinner.

1679 - The British crown claimed New Hampshire as a royal colony. Really?

Escalante Philippines

The city has grown at a respectably fast rate, averaging 1.63% in the ten years (2000 thru 2010). The May 2010 Census on Population showed that population increased to 93,005 persons. This means that on average that population grew by 1.63% annually since 2000. This is only about 3.20% of the province’s population which includes Bacolod City or 3.88% without it. At this rate, the city’s population is expected to double by year 2053.
The average household for 2000 was 4.89 persons per household, which is lower than the 5.0 national, 5.1 regional and the 5.24 provincial averages. NSO estimates there were 92,035 persons in 2007 in 18,644 households. This means, the average households size increased to 4.94.[11]
As of December 2009, the average age is 24 years old.[12]
Escalante has the highest population density (persons/square kilometer) in 2007, among the provinces's cities at 736.3, second only to the provincial capital, Bacolod City. The provincial average is 362.1, while the cities average 417.8.[13]
The people in the city speak the Cebuano language (often called Bisaya) closely followed by Hiligaynon (often called Ilonggo). Filipino and English are generally understood.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy birthday Dennis P.

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