Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July 3, 2019 Wednesday #Faith&works#PortSanilac#Quebec#Coastalenvironment

Get Faith
James chapter 2  "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone."  This is a hot topic.  We are saved by Grace, we believe, not by works.  I think the point is that if we have faith we would surely live accordingly and do good works, because we want to show others what our faith is based on.  Love thy neighbor, not just in words but by showing them you care by helping.  We all sin and forget who we belong to but, God puts things in our lives to remind us to help others and show that we are Christians by our love.

On this day
1994   It was a Sunday and Waynette came over and her Merri, Nicole and I drove up to Port Sanilac.  We stopped by the cottages (which were gone except one) that my Aunt Annie used to own, because Waynette and I had memories up there.  My mom had left Waynette and my brother Mark and I up there for a week.  My Aunt and Grandmother were there in the big house but we stayed in the small cottage.  So on this day it was a trip down memory lane for her and I, a new adventure for Nicole and just another day for Merri because her Mom had a place up there and we stopped to visit.

1608 - The city of Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain. I wonder if they celebrate?

Escalante Philippines

Coastal environment[edit]

The diversity of plants in the coastal environment of Escalante is one of the richest in Occidental Negros. Its coasts comprise two surviving ecosystems: the mangrove, consisting of trees and shurbs that occupies the landward portion of its coastal areas; the seagrass, or grasslike plants, that thrive on it shallow nearshore area. In a limited coastal zone, remnants of a third ecosystem, coral reef may be found but in residual, degraded form. The marine waters of Escalante are generally warm throughout the year, except for early mornings of the cool months of December, January and February. Salinity of its waters is within reasonable amount, at 28-36 parts per thousand.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kathy B and BJ!

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