Tuesday, July 9, 2019

July 9, 2019 Tuesday #Promiselost#TaiChi#Growingpains#Martiallawyears

Get Faith
Acts chapter 13  "Then both Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, "It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you.  Since you reject it and judge yourselves to be unworthy of eternal life, we are now turning to the Gentiles."  The Jews were jealous of the popularity of Paul and Barnabas' message to the people and so were reprimanded by them and so turned their attention to the Gentiles who were more eager to hear the Word.  I always think it is sad that some Jews did not embrace that which was promised to them but I am in awe of the Jews that did become Christians.  I feel like they won the marathon from start to finish and have gained their gift through the best of channels.  The reward is the same for all of us - the believers of the Gospel.

Get Fit
Just a note that I still work out most days and on Tuesdays I started a Tai Chi class which I really like!

On this day
2002  It was the summer before Senior year and Nicole went for a photo session for her senior pictures.  You know those one thousand pictures of your child that you thing are perfect and can't pick which one YOU like - but fortunately they can.  Nicole had already started basketball practice for the fall season so things were ramping up.  My nieces were younger, but driving and had a little more time to stop by and see their Auntie - which Lindsey did on this day.  Nicole had her little Tempo so she was seldom home.  Life changes with every event of life.  We are looking at big changes now with Nicole and Kristin getting married and their wedding shower this weekend!!

1540 - England's King Henry VIII had his 6-month-old marriage to his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, annulled. Oh to be king!!

Escalante Philippines

The Martial Law Years[edit]

During this time, a modern public market, new municipal building, and the 50,000-gallon reservoir was erected under the mayor Braulio P. Lumayno. The Martial Law Years was seemingly quiet. However, the uneven land distribution, marginal food production, and the excesses of the political system created so much discontent especially in the sugarcane farms. This was one of the reasons why the BAYAN-led "Welgang Bayan" which ended in the Escalante massacre. Twenty-one rallyists who were determined to paralyze traffic, died on the spot on the streets of Escalante when the militia of then-strongman Congressman Armando Gustilo, who was bent on dispersing the rally, fired their guns on rallyists. This event was one of the important factors for the downfall of the Marcos regime.
With the installation of Pres. Corazon C. Aquino, Mrs. Evelyn L. Hinolan was selected as OIC Mayor. Then BAYAN Chairman Rolando Ponsica, who was one of the persecuted during the Martial Law years, easily became the mayor in 1988.
This is an interesting line of political power and what it produced.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tilly!!!

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