Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019 Thursday #Omnipresent#neverpresent#expresent#TanghalandPambansa

Get Faith
Acts  "I found among them an altar with the inscription: 'To an unknown god.'  What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you...."  When they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some scoffed; but others said, "We will hear you again about this.""  In speaking to the Athenians Paul realized how hungry these people were for the true God and not stone statues.  He saw in them a need for the true God that could be with them daily, love them and lead them to all that they had been hoping for.  It is still the same - the true God is ever present - not a stone idol and not a specific place you need to worship Him.  He is always with us.

On this day
1977  I had moved into my current house in April.  The one Pete found for me to buy, the one he installed the furnace in under the house.  I kicked him out this day because he had taken off with a buddy to Port Huron to the Mackinaw boat races and didn't come home for 2 days and then was so hungover he was useless.  My Aunt Margaret and cousin Kathy came over for a visit to see my new house.  I don't think  they noticed his dead body in the bedroom asleep.  I'm sure the breakup only lasted a day or two.  We had the rockiest romance ever.  I sure knew how to pick em.  I hope you were smarter than I and picked a better partner!

1394 - Charles VI of France issued a decree for the general expulsion of Jews from France. They sure had a hard time keeping a homeland didn't they?

Escalante Philippines
One of the most visible Hispanic legacies is the prevalence of Spanish names and surnames among Filipinos; a Spanish name and surname, however, does not necessarily denote Spanish ancestry. This peculiarity, unique among the people of Asia, came as a result of a colonial edict by Governor-General Narciso Clavería y Zaldua, which ordered the systematic distribution of family names and implementation of Hispanic nomenclature on the population.[613] The names of many streets, towns, and provinces are also in Spanish.
The common use of the English language is an example of the American impact on Philippine society. It has contributed to the ready acceptance and influence of American pop cultural trends. This affinity is seen in Filipinos' love of fast food and American film and music. Fast food outlets are found on many street corners. American global fast food chain stalwarts have entered the market, but local fast food chains like Goldilocks and most notably Jollibee, the leading fast food chain in the country, have emerged and compete successfully against their foreign rivals.[614][615

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Norma!! Airyan and Kelly!

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