Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27, 2019 Saturday #Christcrusader#Stalker#Deposed#Tinikling

Get Faith
Acts chapter 18  "When he reached Ephesus, he left them there, but first he himself went into the synagogue and had a discussion with the Jews.  When they asked him to stay longer, he declined; but on  taking leave of them, he said, "I will return to you, if God wills."  Paul traveled far and wide, always under a death threat if the Romans and others that did not believe in Jesus found him.  He could never be sure or make a promise to return.  God protected him through many travels.  What would make someone so strong in their belief?  That they would travel at such discomfort and danger to themselves?  If you know Paul's story - how Jesus struck him blind in the middle of a crusade to kill all new Christians and then worked miracles in his life, you might understand his zealousness to tell the Gospel story.

On this day
1979  It was a Friday and my new boyfriend Jim took me to dinner at Mr. Paul's.  They still have the best food on the east side.  My friend Diane worked there as a waitress and had been having health problems.  She was a pretty girl, made prettier by surgery, which I never thought was necessary - but she was kept by some pretty wealthy men.  It didn't end well.  Jim and I went by the Tiki bar and then to Brownies.  Where ever we went I saw Pete (my ex) following and lurking around.  He showed up everywhere.  It's too bad we couldn't work out our problems, I believe we really loved each other.  Love lost.  (Years later when he got married I crashed the wedding)

1245 - Frederick II was deposed by a council at Lyons after they found him guilty of sacrilege. sounds like a story there.

Escalante Philippines


Singkil, a Pre-Hispanic dance depicting the Maranao nobility.
Cariñosa, a Hispanic era dance for traditional Filipino courtship.
Just like the evolution of Philippine music, dance as well has been in constant change. Prior to colonial rule, the Philippines had a wide array of ethnic dances from different tribal groups. This was due mainly to the fact that Philippines is an archipelago thus the different varieties of dance developed. Both Luzon and Visayas, at first, were more akin to tribal movements until the Spanish came. Mindanao represents more of an array of Muslim inspired dances and Spanish influence was limited to the region of Zamboanga.
Universal dances in the Philippines are found at societal functions such as rituals, mimicry, life cycle and parties. During the Spanish era, most dances were accompanied by Rondalya music usually with 14-string bandurrias that the Filipinos invented or by other type of stringed instruments that locally evolved in to the culture as well.
One famous dance that is well known is called the Tinikling, where a band of Rondalya musicians play along with the percussive beat of the two bamboo poles. It usually starts with men and women acting a scene about "How rural townsfolk mingle". The dancers then graze thru the clashing of the bamboo poles held on opposite sides. The end displays the paired bamboo poles crossing each other. The Muslim version of this where bamboo poles are also used is called the Singkil.[626]
Cariñosa is a Hispanic Filipino dance, unofficially considered as the "National Dance of the Philippines". It is a courtship dance which involves a woman holding a fan or a handkerchief, where it plays an instrumental role as it places the couple in romance scenario.
Nowadays, in the Modern and Post-Modern time periods, dances may vary from the delicate ballet up to the more street-oriented styles of breakdancing to name a few.[627]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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