Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 30, 2019 Tuesday #KnowJesus#Ididn'tthen#Goodfood!

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians chapter 5  "Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters...For you yourselves know very well that the day of Lord will come like a thief in the night..."   There is a song I like that this reminds me of this verse.  Stop and Pray - and a verse about - He will come on clouds in bright array.  In other words, you won't be expecting Him.  There will not be a "Coming soon to a theater in you area" sign or ad on your tv.  It will be unexpected - so don't wait to mend your ways, say those prayers or attend worship services.  Get in touch with God now so that whenever Jesus appears on that cloud in bright array you will recognize Him.

On this day
1983  The crew was in from Florida for boat racing in Wyandotte.  They had changed the name Love it to Sasson.  Things were not the same and the boat came in 6th, but the crowd was still the same.  Gilly was up with bobby Shearer and his girlfriend and we closed the bar.  Ty and Norma and Tony and Theresa were there and many others from that racing crowd.  We were the Who's who of boat racing - well we thought so.

1729 - The city of Baltimore was founded in Maryland.  

Escalante Philippines


Clockwise from top left: LumpiaAdoboHalo-halo and Sisig.
Filipino cuisine has evolved over several centuries from its Malayo-Polynesian origins to become a mixed cuisine with many HispanicChineseAmerican, and other Asian influences that have been adapted to local ingredients and the Filipino palate to create distinctively Filipino dishes. Dishes range from the very simple, like a meal of fried salted fish and rice, to the elaborate, such as the paellas and cocidos created for fiestas.[615][636]
Popular dishes include lechónadobosinigangkare-karetapacrispy patapancitlumpia, and halo-halo. Some common local ingredients used in cooking are calamansi, coconuts, saba (a kind of short wide plantain), mangoesubemilkfish, and fish sauce. Filipino taste buds tend to favor robust flavors, but the cuisine is not as spicy as those of its neighbors.[615][636]
Unlike many Asians, most Filipinos do not eat with chopsticks; they use Western cutlery. However, possibly due to rice being the primary staple food and the popularity of a large number of stews and main dishes with broth in Filipino cuisine, the main pairing of utensils seen at the Filipino dining table is that of spoon and fork, not knife and fork.[637]
The traditional way of eating with the hands known as kamayan (using the washed right hand for bringing food to the mouth)[638] was previously more often seen in the less urbanized areas.[639] However, due to the various Filipino restaurants that introduced Filipino food to people of other nationalities as well as to Filipino urbanites, kamayan fast became popular. This recent trend also sometimes incorporates the "Boodle Fight" concept (as popularized and coined by the Philippine Army), wherein banana leaves are used as giant plates on top of which rice portions and Filipino viands are placed all together for a filial, friendly and/or communal kamayan feasting.[640]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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