Friday, July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019 Friday #Choosewell#Goodneighbors#6thwife#Philippine/Americanwar

Get Faith
Acts chapter 14  "But Jews came there from Antioch and Iconium and won over the crowds.  Then they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead."  It was tough sharing the Good News in those days, don't you think?  It says, previous to this verse that Paul had just healed a man that had been crippled since birth - but in their desire to be right - the Jews made the wrong decision.  They didn't see the goodness in the Good News but only the affront to the old testament ways that they did not want to adhere to or give up.  Stiff necked people - don't be one.

On this day
2007  I was not in a good mood this day and it isn't often I say that.  I came home from work and after dinner I cut the lawn.  When I worked out in the yard those days the neighbors all came over to chit chat and probably made me forget my bad mood.  I miss those neighbors.  Keyana the little girl next door would come over with her girlfriend and their little dogs and Al across the street always sauntered over.  I say sauntered because she did.  She was a tiny Belgian woman, probably around 80 at the time and she really did saunter.  I really miss her, sometime I see her standing in the front window across the street with her green sweater on.  She did that every morning. It brings tears to my eyes.

1543 - England's King Henry VIII married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr. Again - it is good to be king, apparently.

Escalante Philippines

American rule

A depiction of the Battle of Paceo during the Philippine–American War.
The islands were ceded by Spain to the United States alongside Puerto Rico and Guam as a result of the latter's victory in the Spanish–American War.[207] A compensation of US$20 million was paid to Spain according to the terms of the 1898 Treaty of Paris.[208] As it became increasingly clear the United States would not recognize the nascent First Philippine Republic, the Philippine–American War broke out. Brigadier General James F. Smitharrived at Bacolod on March 4, 1899, as the Military Governor of the Sub-district of Negros, after receiving an invitation from Aniceto Lacson, president of the breakaway Cantonal Republic of Negros.[209] The war resulted in the deaths of at least 200,000 Filipino civilians, mostly due to famine and disease.[210]
After the defeat of the First Philippine Republic, the archipelago was administered under an American Insular Government.[26] The Americans then suppressed other rebellious sub-states: mainly, the waning Sultanate of Sulu, as well as the insurgent Tagalog Republic and the Republic of Zamboangain Mindanao.[211][212] During this era, a renaissance in Philippine culture occurred, with the expansion of Philippine cinema and literature.[213][214][215]Daniel Burnham built an architectural plan for Manila which would have transformed it into a modern city.[216] In 1935, the Philippines was granted Commonwealth status with Manuel Quezon as president. He designated a national language and introduced women's suffrage and land reform.[217][218]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  

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