Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4, 2019 Thursday #Sharptongue#Happy4th#WestPointe#Prehispanic

Get Faith
James chapter 3  "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."  This is speaking of the problems we all have with our tongues.  We slip up and say the wrong thing or in the heat of the moment we let blast with things we regret later.  I am guilty of both of these things, things I immediately regret and can never take back.  And, so in teaching, especially the Bible we need to pray and study before we share, in hopefully, helpful manner, the Word.  But we do need to share the Gospel - don't be deterred.

On this day
1995  I cleaned up the yard and Bar b Que and prepared for company.  Ty and Norma, Craig, Karen and Michele, Aaron & Michele came over for dinner.  Marty and Big Wave came by later for fireworks.  Some years are big celebrations and some are closer friends and family.  Years and times change and what seemed like a good time then are better memories.  Just a quiet group of friends today for dinner - I think.  Whatever your plans enjoy the day and Happy Fourth of July!  God Bless America.

1802 - The U.S. Military Academy officially opened at West Point, NY.   Appropriate.

Escalante, Philippines

Pre-Spanish Era[edit]

Virtually nothing is known of Escalante during the pre-Hispanic era. But archaeological findings in October 1975 and May 1976 made by a team of Anthropology students led by Professor Lionel Chiong of Silliman University reveal an early record of men who inhabited not only the present city but also the island of Negros during the pre-Spanish time. The findings were recovered in nine (9) graves in what seemed to be an ancient burial ground in Brgy. Japitan, a coastal barangay lying along the Tañon Strait, facing the island of Cebu, some 17 kilometers from the city proper. The artifacts consisted of celadon plate and bowls, stoneware bowls and jars, a Sung Dynasty (960-1280 A.D.) jarlet, gold beads, iron implements, daggers and a hunting knife with an ivory bone handle.
Obviously buried with the dead, the plate, bowls, jars and iron implements were found alongside the skeletal remains, the daggers and hunting knives on top of the breast section and the gold beads inside the skulls in-between the upper and lower jaws. When carbon-14 tested, these findings together with the human skeletal remains were found to date as far back as the 12th century A.D. All this proved that present-day Escalante was inhabited by settlers with a relatively developed culture who were engaged in some form of trade and commerce with the outside world, such as the Chinese and Japanese traders who could have brought the jarlet, stoneware and celadon pieces during the Ages of Contacts and Trade with the East (11th & 12th centuries A.D.)
Not as old as some cultures we have studied.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Julio and Haley!

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