Saturday, July 20, 2019

July 20, 2019 Saturday#Spiritloflove#Goodyearbadyear#cigarettetax#toppriorityhotspot!

Get Faith
Galatians chapter 6 "But if you sow  to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit.   So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith."  The Spirit works in us to be kind and loving to all people so that we show the love of God and the goodness of Jesus to others.  In your day to day life, smiling warmly at people and always speaking kindly to them, whatever the circumstances will bring the Spirit to you for strength and support.  They will know you are Christians by your love.  Especially in church we need to remember to be kind and loving, when sometimes there is discord - we need to first remember our family in Christ.  Please join our family of faith.

On this day
2015  This was the busiest year ever.  I was home alone, Mom was at Beechwood now, a senior residential place that she loved.  I went everyday to see her. (I picked the place because it was maybe 1 mile and a half from me.  I was working on remortgaging my house out of necessity because of an equity loan that was falling due - it was a headache.  I was writing a book and planning a great trip to Scotland - it was a busy time.  Some years are like that and others are quieter, not this one, but some.  How is this year going for you?  You know if it is not going well - you can change it right?  Prayer helps.

1868 - Legislation that ordered U.S. tax stamps to be placed on all cigarette packs was passed. Too bad it didn't do much to stop us from smoking.

Escalante Philippines
Rafflesia speciosa is endemic to the island of Panay.
Philippine maritime waters encompass as much as 2,200,000 square kilometers (849,425 sq mi) producing unique and diverse marine life, an important part of the Coral Triangle, a territory shared with other countries.[346] The total number of corals and marine fish species was estimated at 500 and 2,400 respectively.[372][376] New records[382][383] and species discoveries[384][385][386] continuously increase these numbers, underlining the uniqueness of the marine resources in the Philippines. The Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea was declared a World Heritage Site in 1993. Philippine waters also sustain the cultivation of pearls, crabs, and seaweeds.[372][387] One rare species of oyster, Pinctada maxima which is indigenous to the Philippines, is unique since its pearls are naturally golden in color.[388] The golden pearl from the Pinctada maxima is considered the national gem of the Philippines.[389]
With an estimated 13,500 plant species in the country, 3,200 of which are unique to the islands,[376] Philippine rainforests boast an array of flora, including many rare types of orchids and rafflesia.[390][391] Deforestation, often the result of illegal logging, is an acute problem in the Philippines. Forest cover declined from 70% of the Philippines's total land area in 1900 to about 18.3% in 1999.[392] Many species are endangered and scientists say that Southeast Asia, which the Philippines is part of, faces a catastrophic extinction rate of 20% by the end of the 21st century.[393] According to Conservation International, "the country is one of the few nations that is, in its entirety, both a hotspot and a megadiversity country, placing it among the top priority hotspots for global conservation."[390]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Candice and Parker

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