Tuesday, July 2, 2019

July 2, 2019 Tuesday #Berichinfaith#Overachiever#Geography

Get Faith
James chapter 2  "...Listen....Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him?  But you have dishonored the poor...?  The poor shall inherit the earth the beatitudes tell us.  I know plenty of people that are well off that love God but, when you think of it the poor have always been more demonstrative of their faith than those who write a check to a charity.  But I don't think that is what it means here.  People on this earth that enjoy this life because they have it made and can have it all, too often forget that they need God, they think they have it all.  Where as the poor - day to day remember God because He is the best thing in their lives.  Be poor in remembering this life and rich in remembering God today.

On this day
1993  Wow!  I cleaned and did laundry, sprayed the house for fleas and bathed the dog, cut the grass, washed the car and took Nicole and Joe to Mamouth Video.  Aaron came over and I took him, Nicole and Joe to Nicole's baseball game and after that we went to Memorial Park to the city fireworks.  I'm tired just reading that.  Summertime is busy, what are you doing today?

1644 - Lord Cromwell crushed the Royalists at the Battle of Marston Moor near York, England. The point is you can choose peace but the world loves war.

Escalante Philippines


Escalante has a total land area of 19,276.303 hectares (47,632.78 acres). It is located on the northeastern tip of Negros Occidental, facing the island of Cebu. It is 49 kilometres (30 mi) from San Carlos City and 95 kilometres (59 mi) from Bacolod City, the provincial capital. It is bounded on the north and west by the city of Sagay, on the south by the town of Toboso and on the east by the Tañon Strait.
Outside the city center of Escalante, there is a separate region of low rolling hills, especially going to its upland barangays towards Mt. Lunay. The hill land section is the remnant of past volcanism and probably, represents either dormant volcanic cinder cones or outliers of a once more extensive volcanic formation. Local residents in the upland barangays of Escalante at the foot of Mt. Lunay testify to period rumblings of a volcano generally believed 'to be dead'. An indicator of the dormant character of Mt. Lunay is the existence to this day of a sulphur spring at its foot. Often, the slopes of these hills as in Barangay Binaguiohan are quite steep. However, the steepness of the slope has not stopped Escalantehanons in cultivation of the hillside.
Map of Negros Occidental with Escalante highlighted

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Sam and Mary!!

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