Friday, July 5, 2019

July 5, 2019 Friday #repentandbeforgiven#busySaturdays#Canadaatwar#speakHilligaynondialect

Get Faith
James chapter 4  "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers and who, then are you to judge your neighbor?"  Lord turn my tongue away from the evil power of gossip.  We all have that one person that we would like to condemn or at least straighten out.  We live in a world that is difficult not to call out the politicians, crooks, pedophiles and human traffickers for their evil deeds and wish them harm.  But we are not called to that.  We are to pray for an end to their evil ways and pray that they are returned to God to repent.  And you thought life would be easy.

On this day
1997  It was a Saturday and so the first thing I did was cut the lawn.  Nicole and I went to softball practice - typical for Saturday morning.   We had a good time with that city league.  When we got home we went for a bike ride. Nicole was 12 but we had gone on bike rides for so long together it was just something we did.  She must have found something to do because I finished the afternoon working in the yard and then when out to dinner with Ty and Norma to Don Pablo's for dinner and drinks back at their house.  Summer days!

1814 - U.S. troops under Jacob Brown defeated a superior British force at Chippewa, Canada. I never recall too much about wars in Canada - O Canada!

Escalante Philippines
The northeastern part of Negros Island was "one of the most cultivated regions" in the mid-19th century.
On November 28, 1856, Governor-General Manuel Crespo issued a decree creating the towns of Escalante and Saravia. The decree ordered "that the two towns in question would be separated immediately from their mother town, Silay," although the spiritual separation of the two "would await the building of churches and convents in Saravia and Escalante." The latter had its seat of government in the barrio of Nueva Sevilla (Brgy. Old Poblacion).[5]
The Parish of Escalante was finally established on May 22, 1860 with Fr. Cipriano Navarro, OAR, as the first Parish Priest. Fr. Navarro, in a report to the Recollect Provincial in 1861, wrote that the inhabitants of his Parish and its 14 barrios lying along the northeast portion of the island from Calatrava to Himogaan, "speak the Cebuano dialect and all, or the majority, came from Cebu, with the exception of those from Barrio Marianas (Himogaan) . . . who came from the district of Iloilo and speak the Hiligaynon dialect."
I have not given much thought to how hard it must be to take over a country of people who speak a different language than you do.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday to Aaron P and Janet M

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