Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 6, 2019 Saturday #Healingprayer#winorlose#Irishwars#Americanschool

Get Faith
James chapter 5  "Therefore confess you sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed."  As many families we have had our share of illness in the last few years.  My brother has been fighting for his life for the last 10 years with cancers and other debilitating problems from Vietnam.  Now his wife Alice has breast cancer.  They are both on the prayer list at my church and I can only believe the reason my brother is still here is due to his name mentioned in service every week for years now.  I personally have had cancer and am healed and feel God's hand on me when I pray.  Believe and be healed as James said.

On this day
1998  Nicole was still playing softball - fast pitch and the team was in the play offs.  So after work we drove way out to the ball field in Chesterfield and the other team was a no show.  So disappointing after getting pumped to play.  That's what is good about team sports for kids, you learn to accept defeat, disappointment and get on with your life.  Not always without tears but you get by.  They had another game the next day - which they lost 25-0, not sure which was worse.

1998 - Protestants rioted in many parts of Northern Ireland after British authorities blocked an Orange Order march in Portadown. so sad.

Escalante Philippines

American Era[edit]

The American period covering some 45 years (December, 1898 to July 3, 1946, except for a few years under the Japanese occupation) saw marked changes in the socio-cultural, economic and political complexion of the area and its people. To capture the hearts and minds of the inhabitants without the use of guns and cannons, the Americans opened the first free elementary school at Old Poblacion in the early 1900s.
A Gabaldon-type elementary school building was constructed at Old Poblacion during the term of Mayor Fernando Lucot (1912–1918). The municipal hall and the town plaza were constructed and developed during the time of Francisco Ferrer, Sr. Also at this time, the first municipal school site where the first elementary school was located, was formally acquired, and the installation of the Rizal Monument at the public plaza completed. The municipal portal and Rizal Monument was built on Sept. 15, 1955. The bandstand and skating rink was constructed on September 28, 1935.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Fiona!!!!

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